Explanations (27)

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*Aqua's POV*

"Everyone's out now, so explain yourself." I stated while I started to take the bobby pins out of my hair.

He just stood there silently, "I didn't think you were going to let me defend myself. I thought that you would grab the closest pillow and start hitting me with it like you do when I beat you in Mario Kart." Using my magic, I rose the pillow in the air right next to him and started hitting him with it as I pulled another pin out.

"Happy now?" I said after I stopped hitting him with the pillow. "Now explain. I'm pissed off at you."

"There really isn't much to explain. I asked to go to this school after your dad told my dad that you were coming here to hopefully find your mate before you were forced to married me. My father wanted me to get to know so that if you didn't find your mate it would be easier when we did get married. I started to fall for you because of your bubbly personality not because my dad told me to."

"And why did you lie to me?"

"Because if I said, 'Hi my name is Kalen Lagunov the guy you're engaged to, nice to meet you.' You would have widened your eyes and pulled me out of the room that we are in to talk about how you were determined not to marry me." He was right, down to the T, and although I wanted to stay mad at him, I lied too. I mean he knew that I was lying, accepted it and moved on. I found out that he was lying, and I needed to accept it and move on. He was my mate after all. He was the one I was destined to be with. We were created for the sole purpose of finding one another.

I turned around in my chair and said, "Okay, that is all that I wanted to hear. Thank you for being honest." I said and smiled before I turned around and continued to take out the bobby pins. I could feel like I was getting close to the end of pulling them out.

Kalen walked up behind me and said, "For real? That's it?"

I pulled out the last bobby pin and felt around my hair to make sure that it was it. "Yes. We both lied, and it does nothing for our relationship if I can't forgive you." I pulled out the hair tie and started unbraiding the multiple braids that decorated my head.

I was stopped from unbraiding when Kal grabbed my hand and spun the chair around so that I was facing him. "So this is a relationship?" He said with a big smile.

"Isn't that what happens when you meet your mate? You get into a relationship with him or her." I said while looking into his blue eyes. They were what initially drew me in, and they were as vibrant as ever.

"I just wanted you to say it." He smiled before turning me back around and letting me continue unbraiding my hair.

Once I finished with the braids, I ran a brush through my hair before walking over to my closet to grab my oversized gray, long sleeved shirt that said, "Mermaid University" in black letters and my black spandex and undergarments.

I then turned to Kalen who was sitting on my bed and said, "Look, I'm cool with you sleeping here for the night, but you might want to take a shower and get into your pajamas. A suit is not very comfortable to sleep in, regardless of how nice it looks on you."

He smirked, "So it looks nice on me, well maybe I should wear these more often to please my mate." I rolled my eyes, and he continued, "Yeah I will stay here for the night. Something tells me that it would be rather noisy in my dorm due to Tyrus. But next time we can stay in my room, so you can stare at my fish tank like you love to do."

I went to my desk and wrote a note for the security guards to let him back in, per my request. I handed him the note and said, "Tyrus had somehow gotten the guards to think that he was my mate this morning, so show them this note, and they will let you in. I'll be taking a shower and washing my hair so take your time."

He took the note from my hand and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before leaving.

I grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom which was humid from Dahlia showering. She loves hot water, but I like it as cold as I can get it so that when I get in my bed, I can snuggle under all of my blankets.

I took my shower and washed all of the hairspray and other hair products out of my hair, making it silky and smooth once more. I also made sure that all of the left-over makeup on my skin was washed off with my facial cleanser that I kept in the shower. I used my body soap that smelled like vanilla and made sure that my body was truly clean of all the dirt, blood, and sweat that I had encountered that night.

I ran a comb through my freshly washed hair before I put on my clothes and brushed my teeth. And once I did all of that, I put my clothes in my hamper underneath the sink and walked back to my bed where I snuggled up on the right side and turned off all the light and drifted off into sleep.

Not even ten minutes after I fell asleep, I felt Kalen slip onto the left side of the bed and pulled me by my waist until my body was right up against his.

**Here's another update!!** 

What do you think?? Glad she forgave him? Wish she gave him a harder time?? Keep me updated on your thoughts I love hearing feedback.

School load is catching up quickly so i'll do my best to post at least twice a week but I make no promises.

*Have an amazing day!!*


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