Old Friends (20)

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*Dahlia's POV*

I had decided that I would get ready at home, the night before. My mother was practically beaming with happiness when she saw me and Dad couldn't stop smiling. But they acted differently than normal. It felt like they were constantly walking on eggshells around me. They never brought up Their Majesties, Santino, or Silas. They just kept on asking me about school.

I woke up at about twelve in the afternoon with my switchblade and pocket watch on my nightstand. I had started a habit of having them wherever I went. It was a reminder that I had something to fight for.

I rang the servants' bell, and they came running in. I said, "Good morning. I was wondering if you could please run me a bath and call in my crew to do my hair and makeup please?" They nodded their head, and I said thank you.

It didn't take very long for a servant to come and tell me that my bath was ready. I was happy to just soak in serenity for thirty minutes or so before I got out to get my hair, makeup, and nails ready for the Ball.

We did my makeup first which consisted of a sultry gold, smokey eye and a lipstick that matched my hair. They made sure to make me look nice and glowy and beautiful. Next was the hair people who curled my hair and did an intricate half up, half down hairstyle that kept my hair off of my face and shoulders and looked regal. Lastly, they did my nails which were long and pointed nails that were primarily black with gold accents, except for the ring finger which was completely gold. I thanked all of them personally before they left leaving me in my room to get ready alone.

I pulled my dress out of the bag and unzipped it before putting it on and zipping it again. I then grabbed my shoes which were black platforms with lace cut outs matching the lace on the dress. Then came the finishing touches with my jewelery. I had chosen dangly teardrop gold and diamond earrings with a matching ring. But I was still unfinished. I grabbed one of my garters meant to hold a weapon and put it on and slipped my switchblade into it alone with my pocket watch.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. I let myself admire my entire outfit and was happy that my garter was well hidden.

After feeling satisfied with how my outfit turned out, I left my room and went over to the entrance room where I saw a familiar face at the base of the stairs. I ran down the grand staircase and into his arms where he spun me around.

"SILAS! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER!" I said with a giant smile on my face. "What are you doing here, and why are you dressed in a tux?"

"When your twin brother asks you to take his mate to a ball because you two are on a break, you just say yes. Twin code, you know?" His voice held a hint of humor. He was always the jokester of the two and loved making people laugh, primarily me. He is one of the few people who can truly make me laugh.

He motioned me to spin around, and I complied. "My god woman! You do not come to play! You come to slay!!!" He shouted.

I showed him my garter which was holding my switchblade and said, "Literally."

We sat together on one of the stairs, and he asked, "What happened to you two? I saw you guys like last month before you went to the Academy and you were fine. Now Santino is constantly mopey and a drag to be around. He stopped trying to one up me with pranks. He just keeps taking them and not even well. I threw a bucket of cold water on him to wake him up when I returned to court a week or two ago, and he just started crying." Silas and I would always do that to Santino when the servants couldn't wake him up. It became our thing but when Santino started getting angry and tried to run after one of us, Silas showed no mercy and pushed me into Santino to save himself. Asshole.

"We went on a break because of me. I'm trying to work on some things that your mom told me about, and they are things that I have to work on alone." I said sadly.

"So it was my mother! Santino keeps on yelling at Mom about how she's the reason that you and Santino are on a break. He keeps getting angry, and between you and me, he's broken nearly everything in his room, twice. I could feel every inch of his anger and hurt through our twin bond, and he's hurting Dahlia." I laid my hands across my face, covering my eyes.

"What am I supposed to do, Silas? If I get back together with him now, nothing will change. I'll still be the same me, and it'll be another thousand years before I can marry him. I want every inch of him to belong to me, but that can't happen until I get better! I am in between a rock and a really fucking hard place."

Silas laid his head on my shoulder and started rubbing my back, "I think you are doing the right thing to better yourself, but I also think that you are going about it in the incorrect way. The being on a break part is fine, but you pretty much cut out Santino cold turkey. You are our best friend, and you basically cut ties with him except for during class when he has to be there for you. He misses his best friend. A part of him relied on your friendship."

"So then what should I do?" I asked again.

"I don't know, but why don't you try to reach out to him, that is after this ball. For tonight, we are going to forget and have fun! I hope that there are some hot guys there." He practically yelled, gaining the attention of my father.

My father was standing at the top of the stairs with mom by his side once again. "It's nice to see you again, Silas."

"Nice to see you to Uncle Cole! I'm going to be taking care of her for the night, so there's no need for you to worry!"

"That is precisely the reason why I am worrying." My dad stated in a facetious manner. He trusted me with Silas more than he trusted me with Santino. Silas was loyal to a fault and would protect everything that he cared for, for whatever cost. Santino would absolutely do the same, but love can cloud the mind.

My mother and father walked down the stairs this time and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye. Then my father opened the portal to the Academy and Silas and I walked through. We were going to have an amazing time at the party. 


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