Chapter 30

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''Okay so do you know where to go tomorrow? Or do you want one of us to pick you up?'' Caroline was giving me every in and out of the school just by talking about it. 

''I think I can figure it out.'' I winked. 

''Great! Well I have to go. Mom would totally kill me if I wasn't back before curfew on a school night. Ugh Emma you are so lucky you don't have to deal with that. Being on your own and having no parental authority. Wow, I can only dream.'' She sighed before she grabbed her stuff and started to walk. ''I'll see you too tomorrow! Emma I'll help you. Meet me outside on the steps at 7:45'' She called. 

''Alright, See you then!'' I said just before she walked out the door. Oh tomorrow will be fun. 

''Well I guess I better be heading back too. I have to get up early.'' I said to Bonnie. 

''Yeah I do too. I have to pick up Elena. I can't wait for you to meet her. I think it would be good for you to meet someone else who's parents died. You know, her new boyfriends parents said that his parents passed too.'' Bonnie grabbed her stuff and started to walk out with me. 

''Oh really? Who was that?'' Like I didn't already know. 

''His name is Stefan Salvatore. They aren't even official yet but she told me today that they spent the whole night talking last night so it's only a matter of time. Beware, Caroline is totally jealous.'' We both laughed. High school drama. I never knew how normal I could feel. It was unbelievable. 

''Alright well I'll see you tomorrow at school.'' I called to her as we went our separate ways. I could see that she wanted to give me a hug but I ignored her gesture as if I didn't see it. I couldn't risk her touching me. If she knew about vampires then she would see it the second she touched me. 

I got in my truck and drove through the woods to my camper. I needed blood. I went to my fridge to grab a bag when I realized that would settle it. I needed more than that. Well, time to go hunting. Again.

I grabbed my jacket and went back out to my truck. But I heard noise, there were people camping in these woods. I guess I wouldn't have to leave anyway.After a little playing and messing with them, I always thought that was the fun part. I chowed down on the couple that was staying in the woods. The woman had been hysterical that I almost felt bad. But by that time I had already bit into her neck so I couldn't really think past the taste of warm, sweet blood. 

As I was so consumed in blood, I heard a noise. A faint step as if someone was right behind me. So they wouldn't see my face, I took off into the night. Too close. I decided to make a lap around to throw them off track. Hell I was faster than any human. I could have walked. But I made a fast loop, climbing up and down trees.

Finally I returned to the scene, though I stayed hidden and quiet. Shit! I had left the girl alive. Oh this is bad. I was so concerned about this person finding me, why didn't I just snap his neck? 

The woman was crying hysterically and sobbing. The man who had come up was comforting her listened attentively. I have to do something. I thought to myself.

Just before I charged back onto the scene, the man grabbed the woman, and bit into my mark. The woman screamed and thrashed until she grew still and limp in his arms. What in Hell? The man stood and turned to run. But just before he did, I caught a glimpse of his face from the tree branch I was crouched in. 

It was Damon.

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