An authors thank you note.

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Wow, where to begin.. I've been having a hard time deciding if I want to be a serious writer or not lately, not thinking I'm good enough, or won't be able to survive off it, just doubting it all. And I'm sitting in a McDonald's as I write this, watching the cars pass by in the cold night air and everyone traveling to be with their families for the holidays and I decided to check on this book. I saw 193K views so I took to search and typed in vhope. This book came up as the top result. I cannot express fully how floored I am. I'm nearly crying in my booth as I write this. I just keep thinking back to when this book was just an idea, and how close I was to not writing it because it seemed to difficult, all the late nights writing and all the times I wanted to give up. This book is full of plot holes, and grammatical errors, and is no where near perfect, but for some reason you all seem to like it.

Thank you. Each and everyone of you. Thank you for giving this book a chance, thank you for all of the nice comments, and even the ones where you curse or threaten me for the angst, you've made me laugh. Writing this book taught me so much, and it's been an amazing experience to watch it grow and inspire others. And I love the interactions between you guys, and the love and support you show each other. I'm not sure what else to add here, other than I am overwhelmed by the love and support, and I'll never be able to thank you guys enough. I hope you all are in good health, sound minds, and wish you all, happy holidays. May 2019 hold more challenges, opportunities, and more openings for learning. Keep spreading love guys. Feel free to check out some of my other books, and keep an eye out on my page, in 2019 I'm about to tackle my first non-fanficion, LGBT novel. Please continue to bear with my imperfections, one day I'll write something to make you guys proud.

Signing off, a very misty eyed, nostalgic, and ridiculously happy author-nim.

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