First fignt

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Three days later at the fan signing, Taehyung puffed out his cheeks as he awaited the next fan. When the young girl finally made her way down the line to him she smiled widely, but it faltered for a moment. Taehyung grinned at her "how are you today?" She blushed, shyly handing him her album for him to sign "g-good oppa..." Taehyung quickly signed the album and held her hands, but the girl looked up stare at him "how are you?" He blinked in surprise, nervously wetting his lower lip "good.. I-I mean great! I get to meet lovely girls like you!" He grinned widely, but the girl only frowned and lowered her voice so only Taehyung could hear her words "V oppa, I can look at you and tell that your sick like my sister was... She lost her cancer battle. Don't loose yours oppa..." Then she handed him a small necklace with a locket and moved on to the next member. Taehyung could only stare straight ahead in pure shock and confusion. Was he that obvious..? Or was that girl really that observant? Tucking his thoughts away, he greeted the remainder of the fans as usual.

But once the event was over he bolted through the front door, eyes scanning the exiting crowd for that particular girl. Finally his eyes landed on her and rushed to her, earning a few surprises glances at his outburst "hey, I need to talk to you..?" He trailed off, wondering what her name was. She caught on, smiling gently "Ji Soo." He smiled softly as she allowed him to lead her back inside to an empty hallway. Taehyung nervously wetted his lips, keeping his voice low "how old are you? And what did you mean by what you said earlier?" She sighed softly, staring at her feet "I'm thirteen, and I-i didn't mean anything by it... I'm sure you're fine V oppa... I shouldn't have-" he shook his head, silencing her self doubt and asking  "can I trust you not run off and spread any rumors or gossip about this conversation?" She looked up to meet his intense stare "I would never tell a lie or reveal a secret. I promise." The honesty burning in her gaze soothed Taehyung's worries, and he smiled in relief "I believe you. Look you're right about... Uh, my condition.. But how'd you know?" She shrugged, sadness clouding her pretty face "my sister went through the same thing... It's in your eyes. My sister had liver cancer, you?" Taehyung swallowed thickly "liver, rare case. No cure except chemo.." She nodded "Oh, Umm.. Oppa?" Taehyung looked down at her in confusion "hmm?" She hugged him nervously and mumbling "you can beat it." He patted her back for a moment before she pulled away and blushed "my moms waiting outside, but oppa? If you need anyone to talk to you can call me. I-if you want t-to I mean..." Taehyung smiled, before they exchanged numbers and the girl ran off to find her possibly worried mother.

After returning to his members and explaining that he was returning a lost item to a fan, Taehyung's thoughts continued to drift no matter how hard he tried to focus. He realized that none of the members noticed his quiet behavior thankfully, aside from a few odd glances from Hoseok anyways. The day seemed to drag on to Taehyung, he just wanted to go back to the dorm, more specifically to his bed. Soon he realized he was in the van, journeying home as he gazed out of the window. A warm hand wrapping around his own snapped him out of his thoughts to look at Hoseok with a small grin. Hoseok smiled, pecking the younger's noes, and leaned in to whisper softly into Taehyung's ear "everything ok?" The younger nodded "yep. Perfect" then flashed a wide smile. Hoseok returned a grin, though there was uncertainty behind it.

Finally reaching the dorm, Taehyung disappeared into the bathroom, forgetting to lock the door and quickly downing his medications and placing his phone on the bathroom counter. He hit shuffle on his favorite music playlist, letting it echo loudly as he undressed and hopped in the shower. His eyes drifted closed peacefully, and he hummed along quietly while washing his hair. He was too caught up replaying the events of the day to realize that tears were falling from his eyes, too caught up in one of his favorite songs. Suddenly it felt like the weight of the world rested on his small shoulders, and he sank to the floor of the shower, sighing deeply. His forehead rested against his knee caps as the water rained over him and he kept his eyes shut. Tears kept running down his cheeks, but he didn't feel sad. Taehyung felt void of feelings, he'd already cried, cursed, and accepted his fate. So why was he crying like a child? He hated it. Hated crying, especially without a good reason behind it! His thoughts were i turreted by the bathroom door slowly opening. Taehyung ignored whoever it was and mumbled "wait your turn.."

The shower door slid open, causing Taehyung to flinch away and hide himself further, realizing it was Hoseok. The dancer's gentle smile fell when he realized how skinny Taehyung was, and knelt by him in the shower, uncaring that his clothes were getting soaked. Hoseok extended his hand out to Taehyung, frowning when the younger flinched away even more. The dancer sighed, sitting on the floor and gazing at his lover "what the hell is wrong Tae?" Taehyung shook his head, keeping silent, he couldn't trust his voice at the moment. Hoseok glared slightly at the younger, standing up "why can't you tell me what's wrong?! Stop lying to me damn it!!!" Taehyung, hugged himself tighter, shaking from holding back sobs as he hid his face and he mumbled "I told you I'm fine... Just let it go" Taehyung bit his lip thinking 'just let me go.. I'm no good for you' Hoseok huffed in pure anger, finally snapping "I'm not gonna let it go!! Why are we even together if you don't trust me enough to tell me the truth?!" Taehyung growled, quickly lying "I already told you that I'm depressed because my mother is dying you asshole! And there's nothing I can do about it! I can't even visit her!! So if you have a problem with me having feelings then I don't want to be together anymore Hoseok, hyung."  He sapped harshly, slamming the shower door and yelling "now get out and leave me alone you jerk!" He could hear Hoseok leave, slamming the door behind him, and he finally felt something. His broken heart shattering further, and it hurt. He finally released his sobs, drowning out the music from his phone.

After calming down, he stepped out of the shower and stared at himself in the mirror with disgust. He glared at his own reflection, before drying off, slipping into his pajamas and walking out to his room. He could the other members talking in the main room, but ignored them, instantly climbing into his comforting bed in hopes of sleeping the remainder of his life away.

(AN: edit above, throughout, and this stories cover are property of @Choiminki218 )

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