Old man Yoong

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Days blurred by for Taehyung and while sitting in the studio he realized that his date with Hoseok would be the following day. A smile graced his lips while everyone else chattered. They had gone to the studio to decide on a song list for the last concert of their come back. While everyone was debating amongst themselves,Taehyung stared at the title Born Singer. The upcoming concert they were preparing for would be his last, he hadn't realized it. But soon his heart rate increased and he realized that the song he loved singing the most was Born Singer. Because he was in fact born to sing, and he got to fulfill his purpose. So in his own way of saying goodbye to his career, he wanted to sing it one last time. Suddenly pointed to the song with a proud smile he as he spoke "I think we should do this one, it'll be a surprise for ARMYs." Everyone looked at the song title, Jin mumbling "Born Singer? But that ones old..." Namjoom looked at Taehyung thoughtfully, noticing an odd look in his eyes and asking the younger "you really want to?" Taehyung looked around at everyone, nodding slowly "it's one of my favorites we've written.. It's nostalgic." A silence followed for a few moments before Namjoom nodded, adding it to the song list they would preform. Jimin smiled thoughtfully "remember when Kookie cried singing it?" Jungkook blushed, glaring "I did not." While everyone chuckled at his denial.

Taehyung leaned back in his seat, smiling at his friends as they joked around while choosing the remaining songs. Realizing how much he would miss these small moments, he bit down on his lip to prevent the quiver approaching. A bittersweet feeling crept into his mind and he ached to tell them how much he loved and appreciated his time with them. Hoseok noticed the blank expression on the younger's face, and moved to sit by him, ruffling his hair with a wide grin "Taehyung-ah, stop looking so down, your hope is here to cheer you up now!" Taehyung smiled widely, chuckling "I was just thinking hyung, that's all." When he turned to face Hoseok he realized that the older's smile had fallen, replaced with a look of worry and pity as he whispered "you'll tell me if somethings bothering you right Tae?" Forcing a smile, Taehyung nodded "of course hyung. Geez, you worry too much! Keep it up and you'll become an old man like Yoongi-hyung!" The second oldest turned around with an evil glare at the mention of his age and stood up "I may be old... But I can still kick your ass you little shit!" And with that said, he lunged at Taehyung with a yell. Taehyung squealed and stood up, pulling Hoseok with him, and pushing his boyfriend(?) into Yoongi at lightning speed before escaping. Laughter erupted when Yoongi landed on top of Hoseok with a glare. Hoseok grinned "Suga, I'm flattered. But I'm taken~" he purred earning a slap from Yoongi as he scrambled to his feet "why are you all so weird?! I'm surrounded by idiots and pervs!" Everyone continuously laughed at the sudden situation, and Yoongi kicked Hoseok playfully in the side of his stomach before marching off to find Taehyung. Jimin could barely breathe from laughing so hard, but he still stumbled after Yoongi yelling "Taehyung hide or the midget will find you!" And hugging Yoongi from behind to immobilize him, earning a shout from the older "yah! Who are you calling midget?!! You're shorter than I am!! You better learn some respect! I'll kick your ass too Jimin I swear." Jimin chuckled, leaning
closer to the older's ear to whisper "I'd like to see you try, hyung." He emphasized the last word teasingly.

Taehyung heard his friends shout to hide, and found a small broom closet, quickly climbing in and sitting on the floor. He locked the door, leaning back against the wall as he tried to calm his breathing. Something about the entire situation reminded him of his childhood days of playing hide and seek. He smiled to himself, hearing more shouts and laughter outside. His smile faltered however, when he felt a familiar ache in his stomach and back flare up. He winced, thankful that he was alone, and hugged his knees to his chest. The pain escalated, and soon he was biting down on the fabric of his sleeve to muffle a groan of pain. Panic began to grip his mind and the closet felt all too suffocating for him, so he opened the door and rushed out at lightning speed, bumping right into who he had been avoiding. Yoongi. He grabbed Taehyung's shirt collar and pinned him against the wall with a grin "I'm not old." Taehyung tried to disguise his pain as fear to avoid causing a scene, but unfortunately Yoongi was all too perceptive "Taehyung? Are you ok?" He asked, letting go of his collar with a worried look "hey answer me." Taehyung glared at the floor when he caught a glimpse of pity in his hyung's eyes. First Hoseok, now Yoongi. He didn't want their pity.

Suddenly laughing, Taehyung acted flawlessly as he grinned "calm down hyung, I'm fine. I was afraid of the dark so I ran out. You're not really mad at me are you?" Yoongi shook his head "no. Don't be silly, but I'm not oblivious like the others Taehyung. I know somethings been bothering you since you got back, you'd better tell me what's going on or I'll find out myself." Taehyung's act dropped, along with his smile, and he swallowed thickly before whispering "I don't want any of you to worry about me. Please, don't push it... I'll tell everyone, just.. Not yet." He mumbled, avoiding Yoongi's gaze. What he'd said wasn't a total lie. He was going to tell the other members, months down the road when it was too late for them to try to stop him from quitting. Yoongi didn't seem to buy his excuse, but spoke lowly "fine. You've got until our last concert to tell me what's going on. Otherwise I'll find out on my own." Taehyung nodded, and watched the older walk away.

He sighed, and resumed his run to the bathroom, locking it's door behind him as he sat on the floor. The pain hadn't let up, and he quickly remembered the pain medicine the doctor had reluctantly given him. Digging around in his pockets he finally found the small bottle, taking two pills like the instructions said, and sitting back down on the tiled floor. He stayed there for nearly half an hour before the pain began to slowly disappear, and he emerged from the bathroom cautiously. Hearing Hoseok call his name from down the hall, he walked towards it. Everyone else was putting their shoes back on, preparing to head back to the dorm but Hoseok gripped Taehyung's arm with a stern gaze that made the younger shake with anxiety. Hoseok called out to the other members, saying "hey me and Tae are gonna catch up! Don't wait up!" Jimin cast them a curious glance, mumbling to Jungkook as the walked out "probably gonna finish what they started when you walked in on them the other day~" and just before the door closed a smack could be heard, along with Jin's scolding. Taehyung chuckled at the thought of Jin smacking Jimin, avoiding his hyung's gaze "Hobi hyung, why are we staying here?" Hoseok huffed out in irritation, holding Taehyung's face gently but securely between his hands as he forced the younger to face him "I want the truth Tae. Why have you been so spaced out since you got back?" Taehyung panicked, realizing he would have to do some perfect acting to stop the older from pushing further for answers. Nervously wetting his lips, he sighed "I've just been homesick... My mother got sick last week and she isn't getting better..." He lied convincingly. Hoseok nodded, resting his forehead against the younger's "ok.. But why didn't you just tell me to begin with?" Taehyung closed his eyes, mumbling "because I don't want to bring down everyone's mood with my family problems...." Hoseok kissed the younger's forehead with a smile "you could never bring our mood down Tae. We're always going to be here for you, no matter what." The conversation was becoming too much for Taehyung to handle, any more of this and he'd start crying. So without hesitation he wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck, pulling him to a desperate kiss.

A few sweet kisses later, the two decided to head back to the dorm, holding hands along the way and planning their first date that would take place the following day. When they finally reached the dorm, Hoseok pulled Taehyung into his room where they snuggled together before falling asleep.

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