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Since they didn't have any more schedules, Taehyung avoided Hoseok at all costs. Which wasn't difficult seeing as the older was ignoring him to, he spent the next ten days wandering around outside the dorm. Going to the nearby park to clear his mind, shopping, anything he could do to avoid the dorm. On the tenth day, Taehyung had gotten coffee at a small cafe before returning home. When he opened the front door he heard two voices giggling in the living room, confused, he slowly walked closer to see Jimin and Hoseok watching tv together. Jimin was laughing, while Hoseok was quiet. Taehyung couldn't see his lovers face, assuming he was smiling, he bolted for his room silently. He shut the bedroom door quietly, locking it, and walking to the bathroom to stare at his reflection. A glare overthrew his expression, and his breathing became rapid. His lungs felt like they were on fire, panic seeped into his mind. Fear of being replaced by someone better, tears streamed down his cheeks and he let out a scream before punching the mirror. A wicked smile crossed his lips as he looked at the shattered reflection, before he fell to the ground, sobbing and hiding his face in his hands mumbling over and over "he doesn't need me, he doesn't want me..." Quietly. All rational thinking left his mind and he sat there yelling, cursing and crying without a care if anyone heard him.

Several minutes passed, he could hear pounding on the bedroom door, and he laughed brokenly. Soon Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin rushed in with Jin entering first, having forced the door open. Jin's eyes instantly widened and he stopped the others from coming in to see "Hoseok take Jimin to your room, make sure no one comes in here, and get Namjoon." Hoseok nodded, tears brimming in his eyes and leading a crying Jimin away. Jin immediately kneeled down in front of Taehyung, not caring about the glass that could cut his knees as he checked the younger's injuries "Jesus Tae..." He sighed shakily, pulling the younger one into a hug, and looking to the doorway to see Yoongi staring in surprise "Yoongi, can you find the first aid kit please? He cut his knuckles.." Yoongi nodded, quickly rummaging through the cabinets and picked up two pill bottles with Taehyung's name on them. He pocketed them, and continued his search. Taehyung gripped Jin's shirt as he sobbed, whispering "I want to go home..... I want my mom.." Jin rubbed his back, cooing gently "it's ok Tae, I know. Come on let's get you fixed up, alright?" Taehyung nodded and let himself be led to his bed where he sat in a catatonic state while his hyung's bandaged him up. Soon Namjoom entered with a worried look "Hoseok said something happened with Tae..? Everything ok?" Jin was kneeling in front of Taehyung, bandaging his knuckles gently while Yoongi sat beside the boy, rubbing his back. Jin looked up to Namjoom with a frown "I don't know what happened exactly. We heard yelling and crying then a loud shatter, so we rushed in here... He was sitting in the bathroom." Yoongi looked up to the leader as well, adding "we're going to need a new mirror." Namjoom blinked in surprise and glanced into the bathroom "Tae what the hell happened..?" No response, Jin sighed shaking his head "he hasn't said a word Joonie.. I don't think he wants to talk about it.." Yoongi stood up, whispering something in Namjoon's ear, Taehyung didn't catch what he said, not that he really cared anymore. His mind was blank, his heart stopped hurting, and the only thing left was numbness.

Jin scooted closer to the younger, looking up at him gently "Tae, what happened that made you so upset?" Taehyung chuckled darkly, shaking his head "talk to Hoseok." Then crawled into his bed and snuggled into the covers. Jin sighed, leading the others out, leaving the door open to keep an eye on him "we need to talk to Hoseok, he knows what's wrong. I can feel it. They've been avoiding each other lately, something must've happened." Namjoon and Yoongi nodded, but the shorter male sighed "you two handle it, I've got a quick errand to run. You know I wouldn't leave right now if it wasn't important..." The eldest and leader nodded in understanding before heading to Hoseok's room and knocking. The door opened to reveal Jimin, with a tear stained face and he instantly asked Jin worriedly "is Taehyungie ok??" Jin smiled, nodding "yeah but I think we should let him rest for a while..." Jimin nodded and headed out to the kitchen. Jin glanced at Namjoom, telling him to wait in the doorway with a mere glance. Namjoon nodded, watching Jin walk over to Hoseok, who was seated on the edge of his bed staring at the wall. Jin sat beside him, gently smiling at the dancer "Hoseok? Are you ok?" The dancer shook his head mumbling "it's my fault..." Jin glanced at Namjoon, and the leader walked over to stand in front of Hoseok "what makes you think that?" The dancer scoffed, looking down at his hands "none of your business. Either one of you" Namjoom raised an eyebrow "when someone punches a mirror and involves everyone it becomes our business wether you like it or not. Now what happened?" Hoseok glared at the leader a moment before sighing in defeat, he knew Namjoom was right.

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