Traumatized maknae

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Clattering and loud voices echoing from the kitchen awoke Taehyung from his slumber, although when he opened his eyes he could've sworn he was still dreaming. He realized he was laying on one of Hoseok's arms while the other was wrapped around his waist to hold him flush against the sleeping dancer. Blushing, he studied Hoseok's features, noting how cute he was when he slept, and ghosting his fingertips along the dancer's forehead to brush hair away. He smiled and pecked him lightly on the lips, savoring the taste that was Hoseok. Suddenly all air left his lungs as he was pushed on to his back, wrists pinned above his head and their lips never disconnecting as Hoseok deepened the kiss. He felt the older straddling his waist as he returned the kiss slowly. They slowly parted, Taehyung gazing into the older's eyes as he laid there in shock. Suddenly the bedroom door flew open and both men quickly looked to the doorway to see a forever traumatized Junkook. The makanae stood there, frozen in place and mouth hanging open in surprise until Jimin ran to his aid "not kookie!! You traumatized my poor kookie!!!" Hoseok blushed brightly, quickly rolling off of the bed and into his feet in one swift movement "sorry, it wasn't what it looked like?" He tried to reason, earning a glare from Jimin "dinner is ready, come on kookie I'm so sorry you had to see that.." Jimin pulled Jungkook along down the hallway as the youngest mumbled "Hoseok hyung and Taehyung hyung... Were they about to have sex?!?" Silence followed for a few moments until Jin shrieked "KIM TAEHYUNG AND JUNG HOSEOK WHAT DID YOU DO TO KOOKIE!?!!" Taehyung swallowed thickly, blushing and sitting up, Hoseok cursed under his breath then grinned "this is gonna be a fun dinner."

Once the couple sat down at the dinner table Jin was standing by his own seat, arms folded across his chest as he glared at the two "what did you do to Jungkook." Taehyung nervously ran his tongue over his bottom lip in a swift movement, blushing as he replied "he let himself into mine and Jimin's room, without knocking. I think he deserved it for not showing respect to his hyungs!" Everyone appeared to be stifling laughs, except Jin who's stern gaze faltered "Jungkook did you really just barge into someone else's room without so much as a knock??" The makane shifted uncomfortably in his seat, nodding "I guess so, BUT, I didn't think they'd be 'doing the nasty' in there!!" Jin's eyes widened "Yah! Don't say things like that!" Meanwhile, Taehyung and Hoseok couldn't even look at each other out of pure humiliation and embarrassment while everyone laughed at their pain. Once the laughter died down, Jin set The bubbling pot of Jjamppong (soup with meat, seafood and vegetables and noodles mixed together) down in the center of the table. Jin had really kept his word about making the boys favorite meal to celebrate his return home, and that made Taehyung smile widely. Everyone scooped some into their bowls, including Taehyung and he took a delicious bite.

A comfortable silence fell over the members as they happily ate, but after only a few minutes Taehyung wrapped an arm around his own waist, holding back a wince at the wave of nausea from eating solid food. Eyes widening at the realization of what would happen next, he ate the rest of his food quickly and stood with a wide boxy grin "thank you Jin hyung! It was delicious! I'll be right back." He turned and rushed off to his room, locking the bedroom door behind him then stumbling to the bathroom and locking it's door as well before he knelt in front of the toilet with a sigh. He winced from the sharp pain, and vomited into the toilet. Once he was finished emptying his stomach, he leaned back against the tub and sniffled. Taehyung realized just how badly he wanted to confide in his friends, he was scared, but he knew he couldn't tell his best friends because couldn't bear to cause them worry or stress. He would just have to hide behind forced smiles and savor every moment he had with them because soon he'd be nothing but a fading memory to the group. Sighing, he forced himself to his feet, flushing the toilet, washing his face the brushing his teeth. After bending over the sink to wash his mouth out, he stood back up, staring at himself in the mirror. He looked the same essentially, except for the sadness behind his gaze. Biting his lip, he tried to focus on the good things. The good times and memories, and how he had three months to make more beautiful moments. Taehyung then realized something, this would be the most beautiful moment in his life. Because he had a heads up of when he would die, and he could make the most of the time he had left. The sadness left his eyes, and he smiled genuinely.

His end might not be ideal but he'd accomplished his dreams and more, found love, and had time to prepare before he left the world. To others it might've seemed like a curse, but Taehyung found himself truly thankful for the ending of his life. It was better than dying suddenly and not even having a moment to regret the what ifs. And with those thoughts, Taehyung walked back out to the dinning room with a grin. Hoseok smiled at him from his seat at the table "what took you so long?" The singer panicked, out of all of his thoughts in the bathroom he hadn't about a cover up. He grinned widely, shrugging "I was going to make up my bed but I got distracted by my phone." It was possible enough that the older didn't pry further, much to Taehyung's relief.

Soon they were all sitting in the main room watching the Avengers, Namjoom sitting on one end of the couch with Jungkook on the other and Jin seated between them. Jimin was sitting on the floor between Jungkook's legs, Yoongi laying down with his head in Jimin's lap as he slept through the movie. Hoseok and Taehyung had chosen the large chair off to the side and slightly behind the couch. It was a one seater that reclined but that didn't stop the two of course. They somehow managed to work out comfortable positions by reclining the chair, Hoseok lying on his back while Taehyung laid halfway on top of him, and halway beside him. The younger of the two was snuggled into Hoseok's side as he rested his head on the dancer's chest, intently watching the movie. Soon Hoseok grew a little bored with the movie, choosing to amuse himself by rubbing circles along the younger's back as they both watched the tv blankly.

Once the movie ended, the debates began. Junkook and Jimin had started up the classic argument of who was superior in the Avengers. Jungkook delvared that it was Iron Man, while Jimin argued that the Hulk was stronger. Jin even joined in, explaining how Natasha was the best because she could manipulate every man around her. Soon everyone was arguing, Namjoom yelling that Fury was the best because he controlled the whole team, Yoongi admitting that Loki would murder all of them if they hadn't ruined his fun. Meanwhile Hoseok and Taehyung quietly discussed their favorites. The dancer confessing that Captain America was his favorite because of how selfless he was. And Taehyung grinned while talking about Hawk Eye.

After the debate/argument, finally ended and they all began heading to their rooms, Taehyung slowed his steps to watch everyone. A smile graced his lips as he silently catalogued the evening in his mind, remembering every detail he could, before heading to his own room and falling asleep the moment his body hit the mattress.

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