Day two continued

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Taehyung's heart rate accelerated and his palms grew sweaty as the words echoed in his ringing ears "Hepatoblastoma" what did that mean? Was it life threatening? He swallowed thickly and quietly asked "what is that exactly..?" Almost dreading the answer he was about to receive. The doctor looked up at Taehyung, clearing his throat "it's a form of cancer that starts in the liver. I've never seen it happen to someone your age.. It's usually only found in children under the age of five and can be cured at such an early stage but I'm afraid there's not a known cure for adults. We can try chemo but the most that will do is prevent it from spreading." As the doctor finished his sentence Taehyung stared blankly down at his lap, letting the words sink in. He couldn't express what he was feeling, wanting to scream and cry all at the same time but there were people watching. His voice trembled as he asked the dreaded question "how long do I have?" A long pause followed before the doctor responded "without chemo therapy, six months at best."

Taehyung nodded slowly, his gaze unfaltering from his folded hands as he tried to process the news. Silently the doctor rose from his seat, and escorted the manger out to talk. The singer couldn't have been more thankful for their timing, because he couldn't hold back anymore. His eyes watered and he glared at the wall as angry tears spilled down his cheeks. He chocked back a sob, gritting his teeth. His phone screen lit up on the bedside table, and he reached for it with trembling hands. It was a message from Hoseok that read 'get some sleep Tae Tae, hope you feel better soon!' He bit down on his lip, letting out a strangled sob gripping his phone tightly. Rage overthrew all thinking, and with a scream he threw his phone at the wall. Once he the realization set in, he pulled his knees to his chest and sobbed. The longing to be with his friends was overwhelming, and he thought about all of the ups and downs throughout the years. He couldn't stay with them forever, he'd die long before them and that broke Taehyung's heart.

He remained in that position for over an hour until he ran out of tears to cry, his entire body ached from sobbing, and his eyes itched terribly. Taehyung took deep breaths to calm himself down, trying to think of what his next move would be. He knew chemo would make him too sick to preform, not to mention he'd bring the group down. Lying seemed to be the best option for him, he made a plan. He'd have to tell their manager of course, and the CEO, but not his friends. They couldn't see him weak. He wanted them to remember him as the happy guy they loved. Then he remembered that they would all have to resign new contracts in three months. He wouldn't resign, and be out of the dorm by the next day. His friends would never have to know the truth. So, he decided that when the time to leave came, he'd push them away.  Sliding down underneath the covers, he gazed up at the ceiling with a frown. He would have to hurt them, but it was for a good reason. Eventually he drifted asleep, frowning.

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