Long way down

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""Long way down. Feels like a long way downtown. Feels like a long way down. Like a long way down. So honey don't leave, don't leave. Please don't leave me now. 'Cause I can feel the rivers. Winding through the lands. Two lines, and a poet. Like a kind old rye. You know we could talk in that language. Only we understand" ~ Long way down, The Fault In Our Stars

The moment the seven boys had returned to Taehyung's home, the singer had rushed in to tell his mother the news. She was of course, ecstatic. Taehyung's father, well... Not so much. He was happy, but teased Hoseok endlessly about rushing to propose after receiving his blessing.

Soon however a week had passed, with all seven boys staying in the Kim home at Taehyung's mother's insistence at them spending time with her beloved son. Days were spent exploring Taehyung's home town, playing video games, helping Ms. Kim around the house, and just general normality. But as Taehyung sat on the couch watching Jimin and Jungkook play Mortal Combat, while Jin and Hoseok helped out in the kitchen, and the two rappers off talking somewhere, he couldn't help but feel odd. It was all so normal, he found himself wondering how different life had been if they weren't idols. Would they all have met? Would they still end up being friends? How differently would their futures have turned out? The questions swimming in his mind seemed to reel him away from reality as his fingers absent mindedly traced his new ring. His thoughts drifted back to Hoseok's bed time story, about them surrounded by their children in a quaint home. At the time, he'd assumed it would be impossible and that he wouldn't live to see it. Yet... Here he was, sitting in his home, surrounded by his family and best friends, with an engagement ring.

He could feel the hope swelling up in his chest, he had his whole life ahead of him. He would actually have the chance to marry Hoseok, and have a family. Soon the weight of the someone's head suddenly resting in his lap snapped him away from his thoughts and he looked down to see Hoseok grinning widely up at his boyfriend "I actually made food, without burning it!" Taehyung chuckled, one hand resting on the dancers chest to feel his steady heartbeat whilst the other ran soothingly though the older's black locks "congratulations darling, what did you cook?" Hoseok blushed lightly at the nickname, allowing the soothing feeling of his lover's long fingers messaging his scalp calm him "the noodles" Taehyung held back a snicker, and instead praised his boyfriend "wow, noodles. Those are important" Hoseok nodded gently, eyes closing as his lovers soothing touch slowly made him sleepy. Taehyung smiled contently, leaning down to place a gentle kiss to Hoseok's forehead with a soft decree "I love you" the older's eyes opened, grinning "I love you to. How does it feel to be engaged, darling?" Taehyung let out an amused chuckle, looking around the room as he spoke "wonderful. I mean, months ago when you told me that wonderful bedtime story about us having our own home with kids... I thought it was a hopeless dream. But I'm still here, and I'm going to marry you" Hoesok smiled fondly, sitting up beside his boyfriend, one em draped around the younger shoulders while his other arm held Taehyung's hand "I can't imagine how hard everything's been on you.. I still wish you would've told us. We could've helped a little" Taehyung nodded, letting his head rest on the older's shoulder tiredly "I know, I'm sorry" the dancer pecked the top of his head, focusing his attention on the tv "don't apologize. Oh dinner should be ready soon!" Taehyung nodded, letting his eyes droop closed for a moment.

Minutes later Taehyung was awoken by his boyfriend shaking him "dinners ready Tae!" Taehyung smiled, wiping his eyes as he was led into the kitchen. Once he'd taken his seat, they quickly said grace and everyone began eating. Jin and his mother were chatting about recipes, while Jimin teased Jungkook about their earlier game. Apparently Jimin had won, damaging the maknae's Pride greatly. Yoongi and Tae's father were discussing something serious, probably business. While Namjoon happily stuffed his face. Taehyung and Hoseok held hands under the table, as usual, exchanging secret glances and stolen grins. Finally Taehyung's mother cleared her throat "ok everyone settle down. I want to hear some stories about when my Taehyung first met you all"

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