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Rehearsal's dragged on for the entire day, everyone seemed to be struggling with new choreography but Taehyung was finding it more difficult due to the ache in his back and pain in his leg. Even Jin and Namjoon were doing better than he was, and much to his sorrow the others called him on it. Mainly Hoseok, who kept singling Taehyung out for missing steps.

During their last run through for the day, Taehyung was so lost in his own thoughts that he stepped opposite of every one else and collided harshly with Junkook. Both members fell down, Taehyung landing on the makanae. Jungkook winced, shoving Taehyung off and shouting "watch where you're going stupid!" The youngest member stood up, rubbing his ankle as the members gathered around him. Jin knelt down in front to inspect his ankle "does it hurt to move it?" Jungkook nodded, trying to stand on it and wincing "I think I twisted it in the fall.." The room fell silent, a few glanced back at Taehyung with glares, mainly Jimin. Namjoon cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention to him "look, it's been a long day. Let's just head back to the dorm, Jungkook needs to rest his ankle and Taehyung?" The brunette was sitting on the floor, staring at everyone with a blank gaze only perking up when he heard his name "yeah?" Namjoon turned to look at him sighing "maybe you should stay and practice a little more.. Don't over work yourself. It just seems like you're distracted." Taehyung nodded slowly, not saying another word as the other members filed out of the studio. He tried to ignore Jimin's hateful glare and Hoseok's look of pity as they left.

Once he was alone, he hugged his knees to his chest and rested his head against them. Tears formed in his eyes, and the ache in his back was only becoming more unbearable. He sighed shakily, and stood up to lean against a nearby wall. His thoughts wandered over the events of the day, Hoseok's cold words and stares throughout the entire practice only hurt more. Jimin would never forgive him for hurting Jungkook, even if it was an accident. His eyes widened slightly at a sudden thought, what if Jungkook's ankle was badly injured and he couldn't perform for weeks or months? He'd never earn their forgiveness for hurting the makane...

After some what clearing his mind, he began going over the moves repeatedly trying to perfect them.

Taehyung ignored the ache in his back, the soreness in his left leg, the nausea, and pure exhaustion to keep dancing. He'd stayed practicing for four hours after everyone else left, never taking a single break for water or to rest. He was determined not to be the weak link, he refused to be left behind. Suddenly during his dance, the room began to spin and he felt himself falling backwards. His head hit the hard floor and seconds later his vision went black.

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