Goodbyes and jealousy

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"The marks humans leave are too often scars." John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

The next day Taehyung had been drug to the mall by Hoseok's sister, forced to shop with the girl. They were walking around in forever 21 when she lifted a lavender top up to her, asking "what do you think Tae?" He shrugged, a similar red shirt catching his eye, he plucked it from the rack and handed it to her "I think red looks better. Lavender isn't your color" he said nonchalantly, earning a surprised squeal "thank you! You're my new shopping buddy. Girls only care about themselves..." Taehyung raised an eyebrow "really?" She nodded, hanging the lavender shirt up "yeah. Girls get jealous of each other easily. I used to have this friend that gave me bad fashion advice so she would always look better than me.." Taehyung frowned, resting a hand on her shoulder "I won't do that to you." She smiled, grabbing a grey flannel from the men's department and handing it to Taehyung "try this!" He smiled and did as he was told. Soon they're hands were full of shopping bags from various stores within the mall, and they decided to get coffee before heading back to the dorm. Once they had their liquid caffeine, Taehyung sipped his and asked "what's it like being Hoseok's sister?" She chuckled, rolling her eyes "tiring. When we were little he was always energetic, he left me in the dust a lot" she laughed, smile fading to a small frown "he's been through a lot but he still smiles like the sun."

Taehyung frowned as well, deciding not to pry and add  "he always puts others first. It's so hard to tell when he's genuinely happy, or just smiling to cheer everyone else up.." She nodded in agreement "he's always been like that,he got bullied a lot in school before he moved to Seoul. People teased him about his dancing.... But he made it through." Taehyung's gaze was glued to his coffee as thoughts ran through his head. Images of people bullying his sunshine, he grit his teeth out of anger. But a soothing hand gripped his wrist as she smiled "but he's okay now. He's never been happier, you guys are so cute together!" Taehyung calmed at her words, blushing slightly "thanks, I guess." She smiled thoughtfully, sipping her drink "how did you meet? I mean I know you both joined the group but, what was the first moment you met?" Taehyung grinned wistfully as his mind reversed back to that precise moment. 

It was his audition for Big Hit, after signing in he entered the waiting room full of other boys around his age. It was then that his eyes landed on someone in the corner of the room talking animatedly and loudly. Many boys were sitting in a circle around him as he spoke with a smile almost brighter than the sun itself. Taehyung found himself walking closer to hear what the boy was saying but he'd stopped. Instead of talking, the boy began dancing. He danced with so much passion that Taehyung felt like he was under a spell. But unfortunately after a few short moments he finished, earning applauses from the small group surrounding him. Taehyung took a seat further away, leaned against the wall as the dancer chatted to the boys again. Suddenly, Taehyung wanted to back out and go home. He wasn't nearly as talented as that guy, or probably any of the boys around him. He was only decent at singing, not great. Just okay. He frowned, closing his eyes a moment and sighing. Suddenly a hand rested on his shoulder and his eyes snapped open on reflex to see the dancer standing above him with a smile "getting nervous?" Taehyung merely nodded, too shy to speak. The stranger chuckled "it's ok. Don't worry too much, it's just an audition. There will be others right?" Taehyung nodded again, staring down at his lap. The guy decided to introduce himself "well I'm Hoseok. What's your name?" Taehyung nervously wetted his lower lip before responding "Taehyung.." The dancers eyes winded at how deep the others voice was and he instantly grinned "whoa you've got a nice voice. Singer right?" Taehyung nodded, blushing lightly "y-yeah. I mean, I guess so. I'm not very good but I like singing so.." He shrugged awkwardly. Hoseok's smile fell within a split second "obviously you're pretty good if you're here. Don't think so low of yourself. How old are you?" Taehyung blushed a little more at the sincere statement before replying "sixteen.. You?" Hoseok blinked in surprise "that's amazing. You're voice is so deep for someone your age.... Anyways I'm eighteen so I guess I'm your hyung" Taehyung nodded, smiling slightly "guess so" and the rest was history.

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