Worst case scenario

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Two weeks passed by quickly, days spent on schedules and dance rehearsals. Finally they had an off day, so Taehyung decided to rest in his room. He was listening to music while writing on a piece of paper when his door opened to reveal their manager, causing him to flinch in surprise at the intrusion "I did knock.." Taehyung pulled his headphones off, grinning sheepishly "sorry hyung.. I didn't hear you" the older man nodded "it's ok, but I just talked to the doctor at the hospital... He wants you to come in today." Taehyung nodded slowly, dread filling his mind as the dull ache in his stomach increased "ok.. Give me a minute to get dressed." The manager nodded and left the room, leaving the boy to undress down to his boxers and stare at himself in the mirror. He'd lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, and it was beginning to show. Sighing, he pulled on a loose black hoodie and jeans in hopes of hiding his unhealthy frame. Taehyung also pulled a beanie on with shades in a makeshift disguise, then headed outside to the van where the manager was waiting. Since it was only Taehyung and his favorite manager, the car ride was mostly quiet aside from them discussing upcoming schedules. The manager chatted as if everything was normal telling the vocalist "I set up a meeting with Hitman Bang after this. So you can update him. You're going to have doctors appointments twice a month for your remaining time with BTS. It's been a whole month since all of this started hasn't it..." He trailed off, suddenly lost in thought. Taehyung smiled softly, staring out of the passenger seat window "yep.. I still remember the day I arrived in Seoul. I'm gonna miss this busy city, two more months before I leave for good.." The manager snapped, frowning "don't talk like that. You're going to get over this, and come back to us. I just know it.." Silence filled the remainder of their journey, since both were lost in thought.

Taehyung's face became blank as he thought over the upcoming schedules, fan signing in three days, numerous TV appearances, his last concert, more fan signings and dance practices everyday. He forced a blank uninterested expression as was led into the hospital to one of the secluded rooms. A nurse told him to take a seat inside, while his manger awaited outside for the results. Anxiety gripped his mind, and he nervously bit his lower lip, rubbing his hands together. Minutes ticked by achingly slow but finally the door slowly opened to reveal the doctor "hello again Taehyung." He smiled at the boy "we're going to do some blood work and take another MRI, sound good?" Taehyung found himself nodding on reflex, keeping his mind and expression empty. A nurse came in after the doctor left and drew some blood before leading Taehyung to the scanning room. He laid down as instructed before closing his eyes. He kept his mind occupied by planning what he'd do when he arrived back to the dorm to block out sleep. He really didn't want to have that weird dream again, although his thoughts drifted to the events in it. His friends running ahead without him, maybe the dream was a vision of the future... Taehyung wasn't sure but soon the scan was complete and he was ushered back to the previous room to wait for the results.

Around an hour later, the manager and doctor came back in with his usual clipboard frowning "it didn't take long to exam the results.." Taehyung swallowed thickly, nodding for him to continue "I'm afraid it's worse than we thought, I believe it's slowly beginning to spread to the rest of your body. So far there are only two other small masses... But it's only going to get worse." The manager covered his mouth, and looked away to hide his expression but Taehyung's face remained blank. Sighing the doctor continued "originally we could've possibly waited on a liver transplant but this leaves you with one option. Chemo therapy, and as I've already said, it will only prevent it from worsening." All hope left Taehyung's heart, he was going to die. There was no beating around the bush, he grit his teeth, mumbling "just go ahead and tell me the truth. I'm dying, nothing's going to change it. All I can do is prolong the inevitable." He glared at the floor, causing the doctor to sigh softly "well that's one way to look at it. I'll see you in two weeks, in the meantime take these pills. They'll help with the fatigue, loss of appetite, aches, and take these for nutrition since you can't keep solids down." Taehyung nodded, stuffed the bottles into his pocket and stood briskly "can we go now?" The doctor nodded, watching the two leave with a frown.

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