I might be ok

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"You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices" ~The fault in our stars by John Green.

The next morning, Taehyung opened his eyes slowly, instantly grinning at the sight before him. He was held tightly against Hoseok's chest as the older slept soundly, little snores slipping out occasionally. Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle and roll onto his back to stare at the ceiling with a small smile before glancing at the clock to see that the time was five am. Groaning quietly he climbed out of bed, still wearing his boyfriends t-shirt from the previous night and slipped his boxers on before tip toeing out to make breakfast for his lover. But to his surprise, Yoongi was already awake, pouring himself a cup of coffee. He stared at the older in slight surprise, silently joining him in the kitchen to pour himself coffee as well. But to his surprise Yoongi spoke lowly "up so early?" He nodded, pouring his coffee "yeah. Just woke up.." Yoongi hummed in thought, continuing "any plans today?" He stiffened, keeping his back to the older. Taehyung had forgotten about his doctors appointment later in the afternoon, searching for an excuse "yeah I've got extra dance practice later. Apparently I'm far behind..." Yoongi nodded, mumbling "have fun" and walking back to his room. Taehyung let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, Yoongi had to be onto him. There was no way that the older would randomly ask that or question his sudden dance practice. Taehyung bit his lip nervously, sipping his coffee with a worried expression.

Finally finishing his liquid caffeine off, Taehyung began cooking some scrambled eggs, and pancakes for his fellow members. Except about fifteen minutes into the task, the smoke detector began beeping rapidly, due to the burning eggs. Jin was the first one to rush in, eyes widening "Tae!! What are you doing?!" Jin checked to make sure the younger was unharmed before helping clean up the enormous mess covering the counters and floor. After removing the burnt food, Jin sighed with a light chuckle "Taehyung what were you trying to do?" He blushed, glancing around at all of the other members who woke up at the sound of the alarm beeping. Yoongi still had his cup of coffee in hand, Namjoon held his designer headphones,all of his mixtapes, and a notebook, Hoseok was holding a blanket around himself, looking around as if he'd been revived from his grave, and Jimin was holding a still sound sleeping makane in his arms bridal style. Taehyung finally faced his members, bowing deeply "I'm sorry for waking you all up.. I was trying to make breakfast as an apology for the broken mirror yesterday but it seems like I only messed up again..." Everyone relaxed, realizing that the dorm wasn't on fire, Jin chuckled "it's ok Tae. Look why don't I give you a hand and we'll make breakfast together hm?" Taehyung nodded, grinning "I'd like that. Thank you hyung.." Namjoon yawned "well I guess we can chill and watch tv in the meantime.." Hoseok raised an eyebrow at Namjoon's arms "why are you holding headphones, a notebook and CDs?" Namjoon shrugged "I grabbed what was most important to me" Jin heard the comment, and tossed a random soda can at the younger "YAH YOU DIDNT EVEN WAKE ME UP!!!" Laughter erupted, finally waking Jungkook up, who opened his eyes in confusion when he realized he was lying on the couch "yah what happened hyung?" He asked Jimin. Everyone laughed again as the red head described the previous situation.

Around an hour later, Taehyung finished cooking and set the table with Jin's help, smiling all the while "thank you again hyung.." Jin shrugged, hugging the younger "no problem Tae. I enjoyed cooking with you! Maybe you learned something from me" he teased, causing the younger to laugh. Taehyung sat down at the dinning table, the others soon joining with happy chatter. Taehyung smiled, looking around at his friends, then to his right to grin at Hoseok, leaning over to whisper "morning oppa~" Hoseok's ear tips turned red at the comment, staring at the younger in surprise "uh, good morning babe" Taehyung chuckled, taking a bite of his food, forcing himself to swallow it despite the later consequences. He commented on the topics being discussed occasionally, but he mostly just smiled and listened, holding Hoseok's hand underneath the table.

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