Part 39

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You woke up this morning with someone knocking on the door. You went over and saw the doctor. 

Doctor: Sorry if I woke u up but I just wanted to let you know that Niall can go home today, whenever he needs.

You: It's fine! And thank you very much!

Doctor: No problem!

You turned around to see Niall awake.

Niall: Who was that?

You: It was the doctor, he said that you can come home today!

Niall: That's great news! Let's get going right now!

You could tell Niall wanted to go home really bad because he literally went and leaped out of the hospital bed and started to get his stuff.

You texted the others saying to come to your house so we can celebrate.

You drove Niall home and it was only like 10 minutes away.

You arrived home tossing the keys on the counter and the house still smelled pretty new. 

Niall: I think I'm going to go shower and I'll come out. 

You: Yeah I'll shower too.

You individually went your separate ways into different bathrooms. You wanted to take a long one this time because you were stressing out with what has been happening. You had flashbacks of this summer with the kidnapping to the cliff and Niall's accident. If this all happened in the summer when just imagine the rest of your life...

You finally finished your shower and you could see Niall in your room. He was changing and you could see he was still bandaged quite well.

You: Niall, you alright?

Niall: Oh yeah I'm fine, it still hurts...

You: Aww..I'm sorry babe.

Niall: Ah it's fine, I'll be fine, I just realized, we should do something about that blood stain.

You turned around to look into the babies' room and you told him you'd clean it right now.

You went to get gloves, a sponge, and stain removing spray. Your rubbed it quite hard but it was almost impossible to get out. You sprayed more and more until the stain got out. Most of it got out after about 30 minutes of scrubbing. 

Suddenly the doorbell rang and you knew it was one of the lads. You saw Harry and Charlotte outside.

You: Hey guys! Come on in!

Charlotte: Hi Y/N! I'm so sorry about what happened to Niall, I'm sorry I couldn't go visit, job ya know?

You: It's fine, he's okay now! 

They both walked in and about 15 minutes later all of the lads arrived. You guys  sat in the living room drinking and what not. You told Niall not to drink a lot cause the doctor said he couldn't take too much alcohol. 

Liam: Y/N I don't know if you know this but I just turned on the news this morning and something was on that surprised me..

You: What is it?

Liam: Ross..he's dead.

You: Wait what?!

Liam: They said while he was in jail he starved himself because he "missed you"...

You: Noo...that's impossible..oh my gosh noo..

Harry: Why do you care Y/N? HE SHOT YOU!

You: I know but he doesn't deserve to die like that!

Louis: I think he did...

You: Louis!

Louis: I'm sorry but he's such..a...

Eleanor: DON'T SAY IT!

You kind of sat there for a while a little stressed. Why would he starve himself? That's just terrible!

Niall: Y/N forget about it! Let's just go back to enjoying ourselves!

You decided Niall was needed to get your mind off of him. He did shoot you.

2 days pass and it was when the lads had to do a signing. You wanted to come with him so he let you. You spent your time in the mall shopping for you and the babies. 

You spent like 3 hours shopping so you were quite tired since you were pregnant. You head became VERY dizzy. You at down a little bit. You looked around and everything was all blurry. You started to sweat so you decided to walk it off. You walked over to see Niall. Fans saw you and went crazy! They ran over and started touching you and your baby bump.




You were being quite overwhelmed and you tried to get through the crowd of fans. Your head started to hurt even more. You started to move back and forth and you could hear Niall screaming your name. Next thing you know it you fell and blacked out.

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