Part 10

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You: Wait what do you mean Niall got in a car accident??

Louis: Well Niall said that before rehearsals he needed to go get something at the store so he'll meet us all here at rehearsals..suddenly Liam got a phone call from the police a few minutes before rehearsals saying that Niall got into a car accident..

You: What? could this be? What condition is he in??

Louis: Very BAD condition said the police. 

You: I need to go to LA now.

Louis: It's going to be a long flight Y/N. Just stay home and relax..

You: I CAN'T RELAX. I'm taking the next flight to LA no matter how long it will take. 

You couldn't believe what you just heard. Niall got into a major car accident! You got packing somethings cause you were expecting to be in LA for a long time. Right when you go to the airport, paparazzis arrived. Oh great.

Paparazzi: Y/N, Y/N!

You: Sorry I'm in a rush.

You ran as fast as you could to get to the flight. The boys apparently paid for your flight already to go to LA so you just hopped on the plane. Once you were on you were sooo eager to see Niall. I'm hoping he's okay so you text Liam.

You: Liam, how is Niall doing now?

Liam: He's still in a very bad condition and he's unconsious.

You: Well I'm on my flight right now I'll be there soon.

You were tired so you fell asleep. Hours and hours have passed and you're still not in LA. You ask the flight attendant how much more time will it take for you to get to LA. She said in about 3 more hours. You couldn't wait that long. Few minutes after that a 2 girls saw you and screamed. 


You: Hello beautifuls, how are you?

Fan #2: WE'RE GREAT! Omg can I have a picture with you?

You: Sure.

You took a picture with the 2 fans I'm guessing of the boys. The kept on talking and talking and all I needed was some rest.

You: Don't mean to be rude but is it okay if I take a nap for a while? I'm quite stressed right now.

Fans: Sure!

You fall into deep sleep and the flight attendant woke you up. 

F.A: Don't mean to interupt your nap but you are now in LA!

You: Oh thank you!

You rush out into the LA airport and you see Harry standing there. 

You: Oh hello Harry!

Harry: Hello! I'm here to pick you up, do you want to go to the hotel first to drop off your stuff?

You: It's okay I just want to go see Niall.

Harry: Okay let's go!

Harry grabs your bags and puts them in his trunk. He opens the doors for you to go into the car and drives you to the hospital. 

You: So have you visited Niall yet?

Harry: Yeah but he's still unconsious. 

You were so worried you didn't know what to even say. You started to tear up.

Harry: Y/N it's going to be okay! Niall will be fine don't cry!

You: I can't! I'm worried to death and I don't even know what to do!

Harry: Everything's going to be alright, don't worry okay?

You gave him smile, but you still were worried.

You finally arrive at the hospital and you ran in. Harry came chasing after you and we both ran into his room.

I walked in and saw the other boys sitting there. They all looked worried. You see Niall, with bandages over his forehead and he had a cast on his arm. You also saw the doctor.

You: Doctor! Is he going to be okay??

Doctor: We aren't quite sure, he has a little bit of brain damage right now. It might be possible that he will forget things. He will be conscious soon.

You were quite scared, what if he forgets me and the boys? 

You wait for about an hour and Niall is conscious. 

Liam: Niall, Niall are you okay buddy?

Niall: Yeah I'm fine just aches.

Louis: Great but you're still in bad condition..

Zayn: Yeah pretty bad

Harry: Yeah

Niall: Boys it's going to be okay.

You: Niall your conscious! How do you feel?

He looks at you pretty confused.

Niall: Do I know you?

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