22. Change Of Heart

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"Is she still asleep?" Jacob peeked into my mom's room as I was keeping an eye on her for the past 20 minutes since we got here. She didn't even know we showed up but I refrained from waking her.

"Yea. I can tell she's been sick for a while too." I sighed, looking around her room. It wasn't as clean as it usually was but it wasn't dirty either.

There were clothes hanging from her bathroom door, a few medicine capsules on her dresser and some mail with my name on it.

She must've been trying to send me letters or something..

Elijah walked in the room and gave me noodles in a cup that I asked him to heat up for me.

"She alright?"

"Yeah I guess." I nodded slowly, regretting the moment I grabbed the cup. Shit was hot as hell. I put it on the dresser before I accidentally dropped it or something.

Jacob was still watching us from the living room. I didn't want him too close to me while I was near my mom because he's a distraction. I told him as soon as we got here. He wasn't too pleased about it either but he didn't put up a fight about it.

I wasn't trying to be disrespectful or anything, but I been feeling a bit guilty about the different feelings i've had towards him lately.

He's not the issue at all.
I love him like crazy and he's a great person, but it's just lately I've been getting a weird vibe about being too affectionate towards him. If he'd hug me or kiss me, I would want to move away but I decided not to.

And honestly, I didn't think I had feelings for him anymore.
Not like I did before we came back when I bought the ring for him.

I had plans on proposing to him for our graduation, but I thought about the friendship we all had. How we been through a lot together. So far.

Even though Jacob is my first love, he's also my best friend
No matter what happens, he will always be my best friend.

And that's honestly the only thing I wanted us to be again.

I haven't been around him and Elijah as much because of it, but I couldn't tell him that because I know it could possibly break the whole friendship and I didn't want that.

But I knew eventually I'd have to tell Jacob how I felt and how I want us all to be a team without ever dating again, even though I loved the experience.

I know it sounds wrong but I love him too much to risk losing him at all. And friendships last longer than anything.

I know he loves me too so he'd understand.



Nicki slapped the back of my head as hard as she could.

I left my mom's house early because she still was asleep and Elijah helped Jacob carry my things back to his place.

I didn't really let them know I left, so if anything, I know they carried my things with them.

I felt bad but I knew I really needed to get this off my chest to someone trustworthy.

But now I regret even showing up.

"So you gone waste all this boy's time and energy just so you could dump him? Man you fucking somebody else. You gotta be fucking somebody else."

"I didn't cheat on him and we just got back!"

"You'd be surprised what niggas can do with such little time nowadays." She smirked, rolling her eyes.


"Michael Cole?" She twisted her face.


"I don't even know who you are anymore!" She threw her hands up and sat back on her couch. "Just..Get the fuck outta my house."

"There's nothing wr-"

"Shoo!" She waved her hands at me to leave.

"There's nothing wrong with just wanting to stay friends!" I finished what I was gonna say in defense.

"Y'all been together a long time. He won't be able to handle even being your friend. Shit's not that easy."

"I know but-"

"Get the fuck out." She mumbled sternly.

She looked angrier than I've ever seen her.

"You're really mad at me?"

"No. It's your life. And you're all graduating pretty soon so we'll be out of your lives pretty soon."

My heart kind of broke hearing that.


"Yeah. It's life. We all have things we need to take care of. Can't be around forever right?"

I stared at her, unable to say anything else. She turned her TV on acting as if I wasn't just standing in front of her.

I shook my head and left her house, heading to Elijah's.

It was oddly quiet once I walked through the door.

Nobody was downstairs so I walked up to Elijah's room.

They both were asleep and all of our stuff was in the closet. Except the box the ring was in was right in the trash can.


This series is almost completed.

Brand new stories to come. Everything will be fictional.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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