15. Forgiven (Reunited)

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"Where exactly are we going?"

I was talking to Nicki on the phone. The ship has been in motion for days and hasn't stopped. We must've been going somewhere specific.

"Towards Miami." Mr. Scott yelled so I could hear him.

Nicki was hanging out with him for who knows what reason. She probably hustling again. 😂😂 I hope she realize that is a married man she's fucking with.


I heard Elijah yell my name when he started banging on the door.

"Come out. We need to talk to you."

"Nicki imma call you back." I hung up and walked to the door.

"Who's we?"

I opened the door to Elijah standing there and Jacob beside him with his arms crossed pouting.

"Can we talk?"

"No!" I tried to shut the door, but Elijah put his foot in the way.

"Michael Please? I don't want to see us like this anymore. I want to make this right between us."

"Exactly." Jacob finally spoke up. "Look, I'm not gonna break up with you. I love you okay?  Can we please work this out?"

I sighed and opened up the door for them to come in. They both jumped on my bed taking up all the room.

"Shame on you Elijah. You the main one that cusses us out for wearing our shoes on the bed."

Elijah looked down in realization and took them off.

"My bad. I forgot they were on."

"Mhm. You a damn lie."

"Mike come on!" Jacob pulled me down between both of them.

"Look." Jacob started off the convo.  "I'm sorry for going off on you. Okay? I was just as wrong for playing with your feelings. And I'm sorry for kissing you Elijah. You ain't really my type and you're not a good kisser either. Paris needs to teach you better."

"What??" Elijah yelled while I burst into tears.

"You a damn lie! That's not what you were saying earlier."

"You believed that? I faked it. It's so bad, your sex probably sucks!"

"I'm gonna kill you." Elijah reached over and tried to push Jacob off the bed.

"Y'all don't be doing this unholy action in my room." I moved him right back to his spot. "We still not done talking. And yes I forgive both of you. I was more worried than mad anyways."

"Really?" They both seemed surprised.

"Yeah. And I understand why everything happened the way it did. I wasn't ignoring y'all on purpose. I been taking care of business. Don't ask what it is because you will see soon. And guess what?"


"Chicken butt?" Jacob giggled at his answer.

"No." Corny ass. 😂😂 "I told my uncle and cousins about us."

"WHAT????" They both shouted and a smile spread across Jacob's face. I missed his smile.

"Yeah. My cousins don't care but my uncle just walked away so I'm not sure about him."

"Do you think he approves it?"  Elijah asked.

I put my arm around Jacob's waist. "Actually I don't care anymore. I'm not gonna hide my feelings for Jacob just to impress anyone anymore. We need to focus on each other and graduation. Not what anyone thinks of us."

"Right!" Elijah shouted. They both were cheesing so hard, I couldn't hide my smile anymore. I pulled them both into a group hug.

"I promise I won't risk our trio's relationship for anything in the world. You guys come first. I love y'all."

Jacob and Elijah stared at each other then they both kissed my face at the same time.

"Love you too." Jacob hugged me while Elijah laughed.

"You better be glad Paris didn't see that."

"Shut up Michael." He rolled his eyes and stood up. "I'm gonna call it a day. I'll see y'all tomorrow. Alright?"

"Kay." Jacob buried himself in my covers. "Good luck not getting no sex for a month!"

I almost died from laughing so hard.

"Fuck y'all!" Elijah flipped us off and tried to throw one of my shoes at us but missed. We laughed even harder when he left slamming the door on us.

____Later That Night___

I woke up around 10:47PM not sure on how me and Jacob had fallen asleep.

As of right now, he was already awake, sitting up in my bed talking on the phone.

"Babe." I whispered, tugging on his shirt.

"Yes?" He leaned over and gave me a kiss.

"I missed your sweet lips." I closed my eyes and pulled him in my arms. He laid his head on my chest and told whoever he was on the phone with to call him back in the morning.

"I'm glad we're back to normal now. I was scared I was gonna lose you."

He climbed over me with his eyes glued to mine. I reached out and slid my fingers through his curls. He gave me another kiss, which sent chills down my spine.

"I would never let that happen." I whispered in his ear while hugging him tight.

"You don't have to worry about a thing. I got us."


Us Vs.All (S.C Triology) (89% Completed)Where stories live. Discover now