16. The Power Blew Out??

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Someone knocked on my door like they were the police or something. Who the hell has the audacity to wake me up from my peaceful sleep?

"Bruh! Go away! It is 2 in the fucking morning!"

"But it's me." A faint voice responded.


I got out of bed and opened the door.

"I should beat yo ass knocking like that." I glared at this nigga Chresanto, who was standing there in his pajamas. "What you want?"

"Well, I was heading to the bathroom but the light blew out so I want to use yours."

"Now you know damn well you could've asked somebody else."

"But I didn't want to wake them up."

"So you wake me up???" I yelled.

"Yea. Might as well get used to it, cuz you gonna be up at this time later on in the months when we're having sex."

"BYE!" I pushed him away and tried to shut the door, but he put his foot in the way.

"Ugh!!!! Why won't you go awayyy??"

"Shutup with your whining. A nigga gotta pee so he gonna pee."

"Ain't no point in fighting with him, huh?" I sighed.

He forced the door open and moved me aside. It was pretty dark but the candles I lit from earlier made it easier to see.

"Where's your bathroom at?"

"Next to the closet."

He walked in the bathroom and flipped the switch, but the light didn't come on.

"Seriously?? Yours blew too I think."

"That's crazy. I always save my electricity." I rolled my eyes and tried to turn on my room light, but that didn't come on either.

"I guess both of our lights blew." He shrugged, walking out of the bathroom. "It must be faith!"

"How is that faith? Let's go to Ally's room."

We lit some extra candles and took them with us.
We knocked on the door and she came out holding a flashlight.

"Let me guess. Y'all power blew too huh?"

We both nodded.


"Well that's weird. Something must be wrong with the power all together."

"Gotta be. I don't see any light on at all except the boat lights outside."

"Well that's too bad." Chresanto walked away from us.

"Wait, where you going?" Ally whisper yelled.

"To piss in the pool."

"What?? No" I grabbed his arm. "I'm not gonna let you do that. You can just use mine. Its not like you need the light anyway."

"Yes I do."


"Because me and the dark don't get along."

"Aww, you scared?" Ally teased.

"Nah. I just don't got time to be cleaning piss off the floor if I miss aim later on. And what if there's a roach or something?"

Ally stared at him like he was stupid.

"Use the fucking candle! I'm tired so imma talk to y'all in the morning." She shut the door.

Chresanto awkwardly stood there for a second while I was heading back.

"What you waiting for? come on."

"I think I'm gonna just piss in the pool like I originally planned."




"Ladies and Gentleman! May I have your attention please!" Mr Scott spoke through the intercom and paused for a brief moment. I was sitting next to him on the front part of the ship watching him just because I was bored.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. The power went out due to technical difficulties, so our workers are fixing the issue. Everything should be back to normal by this afternoon. Enjoy your day everyone."

"You aren't very professional as you seem." I snickered. He put the small microphone down and turned his chair over to face me.

"Says who?" He laughed right along with me.

"Says me. But anyways, its already been 4 days. Thanks for taking your time to sail us to Miami. My crew will be so happy."

"You're welcome."

The only reason why we're going towards Miami is because I'm planning on taking me and everyone else back to Cali. I noticed how the Trio and the rest of the crew hasn't been taking school seriously and I wasn't having it. I don't think the plan would've worked out if I didn't bribe him.

Hopefully everything goes smoothly.


This book will have more chapters since I been slacking and there hasn't been much drama.

My MB BxB OneShot book is being published very soon. It shouldn't go down hill like 50 Shades Of Milijah did. I didn't have any ideas at the moment.

I should be fine now. Lol

Us Vs.All (S.C Triology) (89% Completed)Where stories live. Discover now