3. First Day Of School

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Twelve just don't know when to stop, do they??




"Guys hurry up!" Ally yelled. "We're gonna be late. Uncle Davis told us we gotta be there early so we can get our schedules!"

"Okay. Hold on. We're almost finished." I tapped Jacob's shoulder while he was in the middle of flossing. "Give me your ponytail holder."

He gave me the small band and I pulled his hair into a ponytail. He dyed some of his hair brown so it mixed with his black hair.

"You look so cute today." I bent down and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." He smiled into the mirror. He was wearing a plain white shirt with black sleeves. He wore blue jeans and some brown Timberland boots. I decided to put on a black bandana and a random flag outfit from Finish Line. We both wore our rings on our right hand. It felt like we were married or something, but I'm nowhere near ready for that.

"Hey, Mike?" Jacob lifted his head back so he could see me.


"Can I get a kiss before we go? Cuz I know we won't be able to do that for a while."

I turned his chair over to face me and I bent down to his height and kissed his lips. He pulled me closer while I picked him up out of his chair. His weight hasn't really changed since 9th grade.

"I love you." He smiled and gave me a hug.

"I love you more."

"I wish we could spend more time together."

"I do too." It sucks that we have to play "Just Friends" in front of everyone. We would be fine if my uncle weren't such an asshole.

"Y'ALL COME ON!!" Ally yelled.

"STOP RUSHING US!!!" We both yelled back.



When we were finished talking, We met up with Ally in the main hall.

"We get to take the glass elevator!" She cheered.

"Really? What floor we gotta go to?"

"The third. Where the other guests stay. The classes are in the back."

"Ugh! I wish we had private school." I complained. "I don't want to see these new folks. I don't have time for drama and new friends."

Mike pushed the elevator button multiple times until it started coming down. "Well we're gonna be on here for a year and the other guests will be on for some time too. We might as well get used to it."

Us Vs.All (S.C Triology) (89% Completed)Where stories live. Discover now