4. Baby I Missed You

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While the other teenagers were playing some game with the teacher in 6th block, I sat in the back of the classroom talking to Paris on the phone. I missed him so much. I didn't feel good being In school without him. It made me feel lonely. Sometimes I wish he flunked so he'd repeat 12th grade with me. I'd be holding his hand instead of weeping over the phone with him like I'm doing now.

"Elijah..." Paris spoke through the other line. I sniffed and put the phone closer to my ear.


"Please don't be sad. I know you miss me, but I need you to hang in there. I will come get you after you get out of school."

"That's too long!" I whined, putting my head back down.

"You've gotten through most of the day, baby. You only got one more hour."

"I still can't take it!" I wiped the tears that were rolling down my face. " I need you right now! "

"I know, I know. But baby, please be patient."

"I'm trying but I just cant-"

"Elijah!" His tone from the other line sent vibrations through my body. "Stop whining and do what you gotta do there. School is important, so you need to get that taken care of first before you worry about me. I don't care how special I am to you. Take care of yourself and your education first. Do you understand?"

"Y-yeah." I stammered. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He lowered his voice.

"Te quiero mucho." (I love you so much.)

I felt my face heat up as I smiled "yo te quiero más." (I love you more.)

I love when he speaks to me in Spanish. Especially with a voice like his. He taught me some spanish over the years so I could understand what he's saying.



"Promise me you will be patient."

"I promise." I said, but was still unsure how I would feel.

"Elijah. I'm serious."

"I know. I'm gonna try. I promise."

"Okay. Do you want me to meet you outside of the classroom when school is over?"

"Yes please."

"Okay. I'll be there soon."


He soon hung up and I stared at the home screen. I slid my phone into my pocket and laid my head back down on the desk.

He tells me to focus on everything else, but yet he knows damn well I can't. I can't close my eyes for even a second without thinking of him. I know Jacob is going through the same thing and I wish I could help him feel better. All I can do is be there.

When the bell finally rang, Instead of me being the first one to walk out the classroom, I remained in the chair waiting for everyone to leave.

"You okay?" The teacher asked me once I was the only one left in the room.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Leaving now."

Paris was standing right down the hall leaning back on the wall with his eyes closed. I walked out the classroom and took slow steps towards him. When I got closer, he opened his eyes and glanced at me.

He smiled and opened his arms, which I happily ran into. All of the other people went downstairs, so it was just us an a few other people passing by. 

"I missed you so much." I stared up into his half closed eyes. He caressed my face and gave me a kiss.

Without saying a word, he grabbed my hand and took me back down to his room. When he shut the door, he sat down on his bed and pulled me on top of him.

"Baby-" I started to speak, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips. He laid me down in bed next to him.

"I've been missing you as much as you've been missing me."

"I can tell." I giggled.

"I hope you know you ain't going nowhere. I want you to myself for the rest of the night."

"That's fine." I sat up on the bed and stared into his eyes. He lifted his head and pressed his lips to mine, once again making me fall weak to my knees.

This is why I can't keep my relationship hidden for a whole year. My love for him is so deep, it drives me crazy. And it's only been one day here.


Just a Parijah scene for y'all. I know you been missing it. 😍🙌💖

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