20. The Trip Back To Cali Part 3

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"Nigga please. Yo bitch a meme. She for everybody."



-Day 2-



"Aye!! Wake y'all asses up! I'm buying breakfast and y'all gonna miss out if y'all still sleep!" Nicki poked our foreheads until we opened our eyes.

"Nooo! Wonna sleep longer." Elijah groaned.

The both of us and Jacob were all squeezed up in one spot laying all over eachother. Elijah was laying on my lap while Jacob was hugging me while my arm was around him.

"They getting way too comfortable." Nicki giggled. "Y'all look cute together. Y'all really should've had that threesome like Zoe advised."

"Not happening!" Elijah mumbled.

"Nicki Stop!!" Zoe yelled while she laughed.

"What? I'm serious. And look." She pointed to Elijah. "He's all comfy in your lap Michael. Imagine him turning his head the other direction while pulling down your pa-"

Elijah sat up quick, putting his hands around her neck.

"Say one more word.." He gritted his teeth as he spoke. She screamed, trying to pull his hands off.

Jacob woke up in the middle of the situation and pulled Elijah back quick.

"Chill nigga!"

"I was just playing!" He laughed. Nicki laughed along with him while getting off the bus to buy breakfast.

While that was going on, August was sitting in the back trying to convince Jeremiah to go to the bathroom with him.

"I know u ain't gotta use it so what do we need to go in there for?"

"Cuz i'm horny." August pulled on the belt hooks of Jeremiah's pants. "I want to do it with you."

"Hell nah you better wait. Don't be like Mike."

"What you mean??" I overheard everything they said.

"You already know what I mean fuck boy."

"Who the hell you calling a fuckboy?"

"Yooouuu!!" He stuck out his tongue and held up both of his middle fingers.

"He'll nah! I laughed. "U gotta catch this fade now!" I moved Jacob and Elijah off of me and jumped over the seat. Jeremiah walked into the aisle and stood there til we were face to face.

"Catch what fade?" He smirked, crossing his arms. "What you need to be catching is that toothpaste cuz yo breath is kickin!"

"My breath smell good. What u talkin bout?" I smelt my own breath to make sure I was right. Jeremiah gave me a funny look and started laughing.

"BITTCHH!! Just doing that shows you KNOW yo shit stank!" He screamed. August laughed along with him. I climbed over Jeremiah and threw playful punches at him. He put his feet on my stomach and lifted me up in the air.

"Oh Shit!! Put me down nigga!" I held his hands so I wouldn't fall.

Jeremiah shook his head and kept me in the air. My anxiety was over the roof. Jeremiah is tall like me (but we both shorter than August) so it was pretty scary.

"Jacob! Baby Help Mee!!"

Jacob peeked over the seat and got up, rushing over to me.

I was expecting him to make Jeremiah put me down, but this asshole decides to push me on the floor.

"What the hell!!!"

"You told me to help you." He giggled.

"Pushing me on the floor is NOT helping me!"

"At least u not in the air anymore. Be grateful." He helped both of us up and.

"Yo, we gone end up getting kicked off cuz of y'all." Zoe and Ally pretended to act serious.

The bus driver was just getting back on the bus when we all say down acting normal. Nicki came back not long after him with our food.

"YAY FOOD!" Me and Jacob cheered. Elijah was sitting in between us this time.

We all got what we wanted and wasted time taking and playing around. Elijah and Jacob eventually fell asleep on eachother. I laid on Elijah's lap and closed my eyes.

I wish we were back already.  This driver needs to hurry up.


Tryna finish this book 😍😍

How y'all feel about this chapter?

I'm late asf. I know.

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