Eighty One

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Mitch pressed a kiss to Scott's forehead, now that Scott had relaxed beside him. 

Scott had a bit of a breakdown, but now he was laying beside Mitch calmly. 

Mitch tried to give him a smile. "Feel better..?"

"A little." Scott met his eyes. "Sorry, I'm not trying to be a mess."

"Nobody tries to be a mess, honey. Don't apologize for that."

Scott sniffled a little, grabbing Mitch by the front of his shirt to pull him closer, only so Scott could press his nose to Mitch's chest.

Mitch frowned at him. "Is there anything else I can do..? I already told Avi to give us some more time before he comes back."

"No... No. I just wanna lay here for a little while."

Mitch nodded, kissing Scott's forehead again. "Okay, honey. That's fine... I, uh... I'm sorry that I shut you down earlier..? If you still want..?"

"You can't be ominous with me right now. I don't know what you're talking about."

"If it'll cheer you up..? We can mess around a little. I can do all the work, or whatever you want."

"Oh... Oh, no, no that's--"

"Babe, it's fine if that's what you want. I just want to make you feel better, okay?"

"I know.. I know. But, I'm not really in the mood now.."

"I can help, if you want? Anything you want."

Scott just shook his head, sniffling again. "It's fine. Just let me be a sad puddle please."


When Avi was allowed back into the room, he walked over and put a hand on Mitch's shoulder. "Hey, what's going on? You okay?"

Mitch nodded, his eyes locked on the bathroom door. 

"Is he in there?"

Mitch spoke softly. "Has been for about twenty minutes."

Avi sighed loudly, before turning and meeting Alex's eyes. "Keep an eye on him? I'll be right back."

Avi then turned to meander into the bathroom.

Alex sat down beside Mitch on the bed, putting an arm over his shoulders. "Are you guys arguing, or..?"

"No... He's just upset. Something about whatever we're doing tomorrow. His whole... Surprise thing."

Avi closed the door to the bathroom, speaking loud enough to be heard over the water. "Hey, S? Talk to me for a second?"

Scott didn't respond, but Avi could hear him sniffling. 

"Scott, come on. Everyone's worried about you. Please talk to me."

Scott still didn't answer, so Avi walked over to the shower.

Avi hardly hesitated. "I'm coming in, so don't bother trying to stop me." He pulled back the curtain, only to see Scott sitting in the corner of the shower, letting the water pour over him. 

Avi made a sad noise initially. "Aw, Hoying." He reached up to turn the shower water off, and then crouched down beside Scott without stepping into the shower. 

Scott looked up at him, tears mixing with water as they fell down his face. "Sorry."

Avi reached out to push some of the tears from under Scott's eyes. "Don't be. Talk to me? What the Hell's going on?"

Scott just shook his head. "Nothing.. I'm just having a hard time."

"Why? What happened? Scott, I just talked to you like twenty minutes ago."

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