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Scott held Mitch close to his chest, relentlessly kissing his forehead as they lay together in bed.

Mitch held onto Scott's waist, appreciating how narrow his hips are in comparison to his shoulders. "Hey... I love you."

"I love you too. Are you gonna be okay if I go take a shower?"

"No, don't go. You smell so good, don't wash it all away."

"What if I wait until you fall asleep?"

"No. I don't wanna sleep yet. Don't try to get rid of me."

"I'm not. Just... I wanna shower before tomorrow."

"Ugh." Mitch removed his hands from Scott's hips. "Guess I'll come with you then. But I'm not gonna be happy about it."

"Babe, what are you--?"

Mitch pushed Scott's arms away from him. "Come on, let's go shower, you big lump."


Scott did his best to shower as quick as he could, Mitch hiding behind him trying not to get his hair wet.

Mitch poked his back every chance he got though, and giggled when Scott questioned him. "Sorry, you just have nice shoulders. They're really muscly."

"Oh. Thanks." Scott responded, washing his hair out for a final time. "Almost done, I swear."

"If you say so. Not like I'm super tired or anything."

Scott turned to face him, shielding Mitch from the water by taking it all with his back. "Babe, you literally didn't have to come with me if you didn't want to. And you didn't--"

"Shh, just hurry up so you can carry your queen to bed."

Scott shook his head a little and turned back around to turn the water off. "Of course, your Highness."

Scott then shoved the hotel's shower curtain out of his way, and climbed out to grab a towel to wrap around his waist before grabbing a towel for Mitch. 

Mitch had his arms crossed over his chest as he waited. He knew he was being difficult, but at the same time he loved having all of Scott's affections. "What if I wanted that towel?"

"Mitch, it's a towel. The color doesn't really matter, does it?"

"But yours is blue. I want blue."

Scott hesitated for a long moment, unsure if Mitch was being serious or not. He then reached down to pull off his towel and hand it over to Mitch. "Here."

Mitch smiled at him, and wrapped it around his own waist. "Thanks. Now carry me?"

Scott rushed to put his own towel on, and then took Mitch's hand to help him carefully step out of the shower. "If you want."

Mitch grinned widely when Scott scooped him up into his arms, and reached out to turn the light off in the room that they exited. 

Scott gently set him down on the bed, before standing up tall again. "Anything else I can get you?"

"Just... Turn the lights of and lay down with me."

"You want the television on?"

"Sure. Just... Come here."

Scott walked away only to drop the towel and put some boxers on, clicking the lights off quickly. "You want something to change into?"

"Nah. Gonna sleep bare if that's okay?"

"Of course it is." Scott walked back over to lay down beside Mitch, face down. 

Mitch then slid his hand along Scott's lower back and leaned down to kiss his shoulder once. "Thank you. You're such a wonderful guy."

"I do what I can."

"And you do it very well." Mitch mumbled, putting his leg over the back of one of Scott's. "You tired yet?"

"Been tired. But I'll stay up until you fall asleep."

"Aw.. You're so sweet."

Scott's phone suddenly went off, and he ignored it. But when it went off the second time, he ground and sat up a little to look at it. 

Mitch groaned too, now that his 'pillow' was moving. "Who is it? Tell them to go away."

Scott squinted at his phone briefly. "Oh, it's Avi..." He texted something back and then set his phone back down. "Just wanted to tell us they're all going to bed, and he'll see us in the morning."

Mitch was quiet then. He closed his eyes for a few minutes, and Scott didn't interrupt him so that he could sleep. 

Just before falling asleep, Mitch pressed one quick kiss to Scott's shoulder.

Scott was awake for a few minutes longer, and then he fell asleep as well. 

He wasn't asleep for more than three hours, which of course felt like three minutes, only to be woken by Mitch shaking his shoulder. 

Scott didn't open his eyes, but groaned a little. "Mitchie..?"

"Babe, I'm sorry... Will you please wake up a little and hold me for a few minutes..?"

"What...?" Scott tried to force himself up, using his elbows to push himself off the bed. "Are you okay?"

"I had a nightmare..."

Scott opened his eyes as best he could, to look over at the boy beside him. "Babe, talk to me... Are you okay? Can I get you anything..?"

"No, just... Please hold me for a little while."

Scott didn't hesitate, turning onto his side to reach out and grab Mitch to pull him as close as possible, kissing his forehead once. "I'm sorry you had a bad dream, babe. Wanna talk about it?"

"No, it's... I kinda forgot it already, I just.. I'm too freaked out to sleep."

"I understand." Scott said softly, running his hand up and down Mitch's back as Mitch clung to him tightly, as if holding onto him would keep him safe.

Mitch buried his face in Scott's neck just in case, loving the warmth he found there. "Sorry to wake you up..."

"Don't apologize, baby... It's okay. I'm glad you woke me up, I wouldn't have wanted you to sit up and be too scared to sleep without me knowing about it. How long have you been up?"

"Like two minutes... I was trying to debate if I should bug you or not, but I couldn't help it."

Scott hummed in response, still rubbing Mitch's back. "Hey, uh... I think you once told me when you were younger... Was it you, or Avi..? I think it was you... That said, like..." Scott groaned, too tired to speak properly. "Didn't you want like ice cream or something..? Like to make yourself feel better?"

"Oh, yeah that was me. But that was only one time." Mitch chuckled a little, kissing Scott's collar bone once. "Sweet of you to remember."

"Do you want some? I can go get it. Or... Or we can go together? Maybe I can ask someone in the lobby, or..."

"No, no, it's okay babe. I'm so comfortable right now, I honestly think I could fall asleep again."

"Oh good... You want more of the blanket? Or less? Are you too warm?"

"No, I'm okay. I promise. Just..." Mitch carefully tilted his head back to look into Scott's eyes. "Will you kiss me really quick?"

Scott did so immediately, kissing him more than once. "Better? Need anything else?"

"No." Mitch giggled a little. "Will you calm down? You're freaking out about this, honey."

"I was like half asleep, but I've never heard you sound that scared before. I have every right to be freaked out."

"Aw... It's okay. I'm okay now."


"I promise, Sweetheart." Mitch kissed Scott's chest again, able to hear the thud of Scott's heart if he really tried to. "I love you."


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