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Scott walked out of the room around eleven at night, going toward the kitchen. 

Avi and Alex were sitting on the couch, watching one of Avi's favorite scary movies.

Scott walked past them as quietly as he could, not wanting to interrupt whatever kind of moment they were having. 

He supposes that makes it his own fault, when he accidentally bumps into something, makes a noise, and leads Alex to gasp loudly. 

Scott cringed, and turned around slowly to face the two of them. "Sorry.. I was trying to be quiet."

Avi began. "Not your fault. It's just a scary part of the--"

Alex gasped again, at whatever was on the screen (as he peeked through the shield of his own fingers).

"Movie." Avi finished, laughing a little, as he placed a hand on Alex's thigh. "Babe, I told you we didn't have to watch this if you didn't want to."

Scott kept walking into the kitchen, smiling at them for only a moment. 

Avi couldn't help but follow, giving Alex a quick pat on the knee. "Babe, why don't you go check on Kirstie? See if she's still awake?"

Alex knew better than to question it, knowing Avi must've just wanted to talk to Scott privately. 

Avi waited for him to leave the room before he spoke, now standing near Scott in the kitchen. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not gonna lie, I wanted a snack."

"What kinda snack?" Avi mused. 

"Beats me, man. My stomach made a noise, and Mitch freaked and told me to eat something. So. Here I am."

"Maybe grab an apple or something."

Scott turned slowly, to glare at him. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?"

Avi chuckled a little. "Okay whatever. There's a box of those cheese cracker things in the cabinet in front of you."

"That sounds much better."

Avi just shook his head. "Yeah, okay. I was just looking out for you, dumbass."

Scott rolled his eyes, as he searched through the cabinet with his back to Avi. "Is that seriously what you came in here to ask? I know you sent Alex out, so."

Avi walked forward a little ways, leaning on the counter. "Well... Two things, I guess. How's your arm feeling?"

"Good. Doesn't hurt anymore. Workin' my way up to what my strength used to be."

"Oh, okay. Good... Good. And um.. Second--"

"Avi, can we take it outside? Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Sure, sure." Avi mumbled back, knowing Scott liked to talk privately about some stuff. He followed Scott out onto the porch, and took a seat beside Scott on the step. 

Scott glanced at him briefly. "Go on."

"Secondly... Have you heard anything about your dad?"

"Yeah... Connie texted me a few days ago. Half a year in jail."

"Half a year? That doesn't seem like enough."

"Yeah, well... It's better than nothing." Scott responded softly, reaching in to his pocket to grab a lighter. "Connie also mentioned that he didn't have a good excuse for any of it. Didn't try to say I attacked him or nothin' so.. He went down like a man at least."

Avi watched Scott's hands cautiously. "Whatcha got there, kid?"

Scott looked over quickly. "Nothing? What are you talking about?" He asked genuinely, as he slid a cigarette between his lips. Not to feign ignorance, but rather to downplay what he truly didn't think was a big deal.

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