Thirty Nine

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Kirstie walked Kyle outside after dinner, closing the front door so they could have privacy for a few minutes. 

Alex was in the kitchen taking care of the dishes within two minutes, Avi standing beside him (not helping). 

Scott watched Mitch clean up the table, (also not helping) as he sipped his beer. "Mitch?"

"Hmm?" Mitch responded smoothly. 

"Can I tell you something?"

Mitch turned his head a little. "Are you okay..?"

"Yeah. Just... I wanna compliment you."

Mitch giggled a little in relief. "You don't have to ask for permission to compliment me, babe." He stood up a little taller, giving Scott his full attention. "But go ahead. Do your worst."

Scott leaned on the table a little with a smirk. "Lean toward me a little, please."

Mitch obeyed, a blush taking over his cheeks at Scott's unrelenting gaze. 

Scott shook his head slowly. "God damn... Look at those lips."

Mitch quickly licked his lips, before covering them with his hand in a bashful way. "Is that your compliment? Sub-par at best, I'd say."

Scott reached up to pull Mitch's hand away from his mouth, only to lean forward and kiss him in a quick but filthy way, only to lean away with a smirk. 

Mitch looked down at him afterward, with Scott seated in his chair. "I don't think that counts as a comp--"

"Shh." Scott interrupted quickly, eyes fully drawn to Mitch's lips now that they were a little swollen. "Christ... You have beautiful lips, Mitch. They're sexy as all Hell. And I don't think I appreciate them as much as I should."

Mitch's blush deepened, and he looked away. "Stop... You're being too much."

"No, I'm not. Look at me again."

Mitch obeyed slowly, watching Scott's eyes flicker down to Mitch's lips again. "Scott..."

Scott just shook his head. "I'm not being anything, but appreciative of the gorgeous man standing in front of me."

Mitch smiled a little, and then leaned down to peck Scott's lips once, and then pull away completely. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby doll." Scott watched Mitch's reaction to the name, and then he reached out to slowly grab Mitch's hand. "I hope this isn't a turn off, but I just wanna check... Feelin' a little more feminine today..?"

Mitch nodded quickly, squeezing Scott's hand. "It actually means a lot to me when you ask... But usually you're pretty good at guessing."

"Yeah, I was assuming, but... Didn't wanna be wrong."

"Aw... You're sweet."


Kirstie walked back into the house, and went straight to her room to change into a more comfortable outfit. 

Scott and Mitch seemed to follow her, going in to their own room. 

Avi watched them all go, and then when the room was quiet he smiled at Alex. "Hey, babe. So? Talk to me?"

Alex glanced over at him, now scrubbing the final dish. "About what..?"

"I wanna know what you think of him."

"I just... He's not good enough for her, that's for sure. But I think he's okay for right now."

"How do you know he's not good enough? You've only barely met him."

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