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Scott ordered an appetizer for himself, because he was seriously concerned he was gonna fall over if he didn't eat. 

Mitch watched him for a few seconds, before shaking his head. "Scottie, did you eat today?"

"Don't remember." He mumbled, before he continued eating the chips in front of himself. 

Mitch put a hand on Scott's upper arm. "Okay, well.. Take it easy, or you're gonna throw up." He started to stand. "I'll be right back."

Scott immediately grabbed Mitch's hand, forcing his neck into the awkward position of looking directly up at Mitch who was now standing in front of him. "You're leaving?"

"No, sweetheart. Bathroom."

Scott frowned, and started to stand. "Want me to--?"

Mitch put a hand on his shoulder. "No, baby... I'll be fine."

Scott nodded, watching him go. Kirstie smirked at him, because Scott watched him the entire time. He didn't look away until the bathroom door closed. 

Scott then resumed eating the chips on the table, glancing up at Kirstie. "Want some?"

"No, thank you." She briefly looked down at her phone, seeing Alex pop up again. "So I guess Alex and Avi are having a good time too."

"Oh, is he texting you?"

"Mhmm." She hummed, before texting back and then setting her phone down. 

"So, Kirstie. Since this is our first date." Scott began, winking at her. "Tell me about yourself."

She giggled, putting both hands on the table top. "Well... I'm a college student. Majoring in psychology, and minoring in music. I love to sing, I'm... Very short. I want a husky really bad..."

"A husky?" Scott looked intrigued. "What color?"

"White... Probably. Honestly, I'd take any husky."

"Hmm... What would you do if someone got you one for Christmas?"

Kirstie's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, that would be so cool!"

Scott smiled, looking down at his food. "Noted."

She giggled at him. "Now, tell me about yourself."

"Uh..." Scott looked genuinely confused. "I can't think of anything interesting."

"Sure you can. What do you do in your free time?"

"Hang out with Mitch."

"Right, um... Something else..." She perked up a little. "Oh! Tell me a secret."

"A secret? About what?"

"I don't know... Something you haven't told anyone."

"Well... I tell Mitch literally everything. But... Recently, there's something I haven't told him yet."

"Ooh, that sounds interesting. Spill."

Scott leaned toward her a little. "I don't want him to find out, because he'll think I'm stupid... But I'm kinda on a secret diet."

"A diet? What kind of diet?"

"Just... I'm trying to eat healthier. For energy, and health reasons... But I know if I tell Mitch he'll think it's something else, because I've had some body image issues in the past."

"Oh... Oh, you should tell him. He'll understand. But... He's not gonna believe you, if you do silly things like not eat all day."

"Yeah... You're right. I'll tell him."

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