Forty Four

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"Kirstie, I don't think I'm comfortable with that..."

"Mitch, please? Please, please? I just wanna hang out with him."

"I know, honey. But I just don't feel comfortable with him bringing his friends over here without the others knowing. Avi doesn't like strangers in his house, and you know it."

"But it'll only be for a little while I promise." Kirstie tried to argue, reaching out to hold Mitch's hand. "Please? Please, please--?"

There was a few knocks on the door, and Mitch looked over quickly, before glaring at Kirstie. "You invited them over before you asked me?!"

"I knew you'd say no!" She defended. 

"So, your solution to that was to just invite them anyway?" Mitch shook his head a little. "God, Kirst. That's kind of fucked up."

She looked as though she understood that, and felt true remorse about it. "I know, Mitch, I'm so sorry. I just... I really like him, but Alex doesn't approve and Scott and Avi don't like him, and you were cold to him too. But I really just wanna get to know him, because you guys don't know what it's like to be so lonely when all your friends are in relationships and--"

"You should get the door then. Before he goes home."

Kirstie looked to him hopefully. "And if he does anything you don't like, I'll send them home on the spot. I promise."

"How many are there, exactly..?"

"Just uh.. Two or three maybe."

Mitch shook his head slowly, but gestured to the door. "Okay, whatever. I'll be down the hall."

Kirstie hurried over to the front door, opening it with a wide smile. "Hey, babe."

Kyle walked in, with one person following him. Kyle looked at Kirstie after she closed the door. "I know you wanted me to bring a few people, but I didn't want to intrude, so... This is my best friend, Ben."

Kirstie held a hand out toward him, but Ben just smiled and walked forward to hug her. "Sorry, I'm a hugger. Nice to finally meet you."

Kirstie hugged back and grinned at him. "Nice to meet you too!" She could see that Mitch was in the kitchen, and she rushed to gesture over to him. "And that's my best friend in there. His name is Mitch."

Mitch looked up from the berries he was putting into a bowl to take to his room with him. "Oh. Hi."

Kirstie took Kyle's hand to lead him to the couch, as Ben walked into the kitchen. 

He smiled at Mitch. "What are you doing?"

Mitch raised an eyebrow at him. "Just... Getting a snack. Why?"

"Sorry, I don't mean to be overbearing, I know you don't even know who I am. But if you're not busy, um... Would you please stay out here with the rest of us? I don't wanna be left alone with them, if you know what I mean." Ben flashed him a smile, and Mitch sighed. 

Mitch shook his head slowly. "Yeah, okay. Fine."

Ben's smile widened. "Thank you. I have no idea why he brought me, honestly."

"Yeah, I don't know either. But I need to make a phone call, so. I'll meet you in the living room."

Ben nodded and walked out of the room. 

Mitch then pulled his phone out of his pocket, and walked outside toward the laundry room to call Scott. 

Scott answered on the second ring. "Hey, baby. How are you doing? How's girl time going?"

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