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Listen I know I'm dumb for doing this-- But I have this IDEA

And I wanted to just post a chapter on it to get y'alls feedback. SO if you get a second, maybe check it out??


Scott was now laying on his couch, eyes trained on the television. 

Avi knelt in front of him suddenly, grinning a little. "So, I'm gonna order some food. Do you want Chinese, or some pizza, or..?"

Scott only shrugged. "I dunno... What do you wanna eat..?"

"It's up to you, kiddo. I don't really mind."

Scott hummed, and looked down at his hands. "Is Mitchie coming back..? Because he can't eat pizza..."

"Not for dinner, babe. He needs to be with his family for a little while. Just gonna be you and me."

"Okay." Scott looked back up at him. "Aw, we haven't had a dinner with just the two of us in a while. Does that mean we can drink beer? And Mitch won't get upset with me?"

"I... Don't think you should do that with your pain meds... But I'll check, okay?" Avi stood slowly, deciding he'd have to make the choice. "I'll call in some Chinese, okay?"

"Okay cool... Are you gonna stay tonight?"

"If you want me to, yes."

"Please? Please stay... When's Mitchie comin' back?"

"I don't know yet. Do you want me to tell him to come back over?"

"No... Wanna have dinner with you."

"Okay, that's fine." Avi began to walk away, but stopped for a second and frowned down at Scott. "How're you doing? Feelin' okay?"

Scott nodded slowly. "Arm doesn't hurt anymore."

"Really? You're not lying to me?"

"No. I promise. But... Maybe hurry with the Chinese?"

Avi laughed a little, and began to dial the number. "Yeah, yeah, I got you."


Scott ate as much as he could, and then Avi helped him walk to his bedroom so he could sleep for as long as he wanted. 

Scott looked up at him. "Hey... I know you were texting Alex. Please don't leave.."

"I'm not going anywhere. I told him I was busy."

"But.. You should let him come here. Just hang out in the living room. Please?"

"Why..? You don't want me to stay here with you?"

"I do, but... I know I'm gonna sleep a lot, and I want you to be able to hang out with him. It's not fair of me to... Take over your life."

"Scott, you're my best friend, you dumbass. You're important to me. So it's okay if you sleep the entire--"

"Please? You and Alex need to talk anyway, don't you? About moving to California?"

"Yeah, but I don't think now is the best--"

"Come on, Avi. He's all heartbroken about Kirstie. Maybe he just needs you to hold him for a little while. Would that be so bad?"

Avi rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. "I'll think about it. Get some sleep. Maybe shoot Mitch a quick text so he knows you're alright?"

Scott nodded, and then turned over and closed his eyes. 

Avi walked down the hallway, pausing briefly before pulling his phone out of his pocket and ringing Alex.

Alex answered quickly. "Hello? Avi you don't have to apologize, I totally understand that he needs your--"

"He's going to bed now, so I was wondering if you wanna come over."

"Over? To Scott's house? That seems odd, doesn't it?"

"No. Please? We need to talk, Alex. About college."

"Oh..." Alex paused long enough to take a deep breath. "Okay. Yeah, I'll... I'll be there in a few."


Alex walked into the house, and made eye contact with Avi on the couch. "So... College."

Avi nodded once. "Lock the door. And... Come sit?"

Alex immediately wandered over, shoving his car keys in his pocket. "Scott's in his room..?"

"Yeah. Been asleep for a while."

Alex took a seat, and then turned to face Avi as best he could. "So college... I know we were gonna move in together and whatnot..."

"But you don't want to anymore?"

"No, it's not that. Just... I didn't know if you'd feel comfortable doing that after our argument.."

"I'd love to move in with you guys. I know Scott wants me to go with you all... But I won't if you're still upset with me. Or if you don't want me to."

"No, I... I want you to. I'd love you to come with us... With Mitch, Kirstie and I in school, Scott could use your help with the other stuff.."

"Right. He and I are gonna be your guys' housework bitches, huh?"

Alex giggled a little. "Only if you wanna be... I won't ask you to clean anything if you don't wanna."

"Good. Because I'm no good at that shit. But I can try, I guess."

Alex nodded once. "Okay so we did the talk... Can we cuddle now?"

Avi smirked a little at the thought of Scott knowing exactly what Alex was gonna ask for. "Absolutely. Wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Sure. Can we watch Grease?"


In the morning, Scott woke up to the feeling of the bed shifting a little bit as someone climbed under the covers with him.

He groaned a little. "Avi, we're not in third grade anymore, you can't just--"

"Shh... Sweetheart, it's me." Mitch's melodic voice rang, as he pressed a quick kiss to Scott's shoulder. "Is it okay if I lay with you for a little bit?"

Scott immediately turned toward him and grabbed him roughly in as much of a hug as he could manage. "God, I missed you... Glad you spent the night at home though. What time is it?"

"Like ten... I slept in, or I'd have been here earlier."

"I'm glad you slept in... You deserve all the rest in the world..."

"Honey, shh... Why don't you go back to sleep, okay? I'll be here when you get up, I promise."

Scott looked up at him with a pout. "How's Kirstie..?"

"Her parents are freaking out. Waiting on her hand and foot, and all... She's been texting me all morning though, so I know she's okay."

"I see... Good. I wanna stop by today to see how she's doing."

Mitch eyed him skeptically. "Listen... I know you have this really caring and sweet aspect to your personality... But if you're worried about her because you think this is your fault..."

"I just wanna see how she's doing. She's my friend, Mitch."

"I know that. Just... Wanna make sure you're not blaming yourself."

Scott just nodded, and leaned into Mitch even more, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Just... To clarify? You're okay sharing a room with me when we get to California?"

"Of course I am, dummy."

"Sorry... Just wanted to ask... Wish I didn't break my arm so I could be more help with moving you guys in. But I promise I'll do as much as I can."

"I know, honey. Now go back to sleep, okay?"


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