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Mitch allowed Scott to have as much alcohol as he pleased, not saying a word about it.

Being the protective friend he is, he grabbed Scott's arm to pull him to the group of people dancing together when he saw Kirstie wander over with a boy.

Scott didn't notice at all, but Mitch made sure to stay relatively close just in case.

Scott suddenly grabbed Mitch by the shirt to pull him backwards, completely against Scott now.

Mitch only giggled. "Oh hi."

"Hi, beautiful." Scott hummed sloppily into his ear. "Are you having fun?"

"More or less."

Scott pouted. "What's the less part?"

Mitch giggled, sliding his hands along Scott's forearms so he'd know it was okay. "Nothing, honey. Everything's fine."

"Are you lying to make me feel better?" Scott tried smiling, and turned Mitch around by the arm. "Hey, do you want some pie maybe? I think--"

"I'm allergic, babe."

"--Probably Mario, I dunno, but whoever did it was super nice because they got my favorite--"

"I bought that, honey."

"--Like, who would know to get that specific kinda pie? It was like the sweetest thing I've ever--"

"I'm your best friend, dummy. Of course I knew to get that."

Scott stopped, staring down at him for a moment. "You did that?" He grabbed Mitch in a hug almost instantaneously, squeezing him tightly. "Aww, you're so good to me... I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby." Mitch was kind of uncomfortable, seeing as Scott hugged him too quick for him to even have time to get his arms up to hug back. So now his arms were squished between he and Scott's bodies, unable to reciprocate.

Scott backed up a step to smile down at him. "Are you having fun?"

"Babe, you already asked me that."

Scott just chuckled, leaning down to rest his forehead on Mitch's shoulder. "Oh yeah." He drawled out the last word. 

Mitch shook his head slowly. "Alright, sweetheart... Maybe we should slow down with the alcohol."

With Scott bent the way he was, someone drunkenly smacked him on the ass, which caused him to stand right back up. His eyes were wide. "Mitchie, don't touch my--"

"That wasn't me, babe." Mitch held Scott's arm in one hand as he looked past Scott at the person who'd smacked him. "Hey, watch it. Gotta respect the birthday boy."

Scott chuckled a little, mumbling to himself. "Birthday boy..."

Mitch looked up at him, now holding onto Scott's upper arms to keep him steady. "That's you, honey."

"I know." Scott turned his head suddenly, having recognized Avi's voice even over the loudness of the room. "Oh, there you are." He spoke to himself, no intention of Avi hearing him. 

Avi kept walking, Alex trailing right behind him, nearly stepping on his heels. Avi suddenly turned to him, saying something loudly and then gesturing to the staircase. 

Alex nodded immediately, quickly pecking Avi on the lips once. 

Scott gasped at the action, and turned to Mitch. "Alex and Avi gon' fuck!"

Mitch just giggled. "So..?"

"So... Can we..?"

"Maybe later, honey. You're really drunk."

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