Seventy Four

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Quick reminder that I love y'all so so much 


Alex was slowly walking up to the front door after his soccer practice, when he noticed Scott sitting on one of the porch steps. 

Alex sighed softly, tossing his bag down in front of the step, before taking a seat beside Scott. He was trying to be subtle, but landed with a little force because his legs were too tired to hold him up. 

Scott had been watching him, and gave him a nod. "You alright..?"

"Just dying. Otherwise fine."

Scott blinked. "Sick."

Alex grinned a little, finally looking over at him. "So what are you doing out here..? You and Avi generally stay away from any and all sunlight."

"Yeah well. Things change. He's at a job interview so I'm waiting for him to get home like the dad that I am."

"Job interview?" Alex suddenly seemed a little too defensive. "He didn't tell me."

"Yeah and I don't think I was supposed to tell you either, honestly." Scott responded with a flat tone.

Alex looked away. "How long has he been gone..?"

"Should be home any minute." 

Alex was quiet for a few moments, before he looked back over at Scott. "Why wouldn't he tell me..?"

"Probably so he couldn't be held accountable if he ended up not getting the job."

"Aw, but I wouldn't ever make him feel bad for that."

"Maybe not intentionally." Scott continued to speak in a tone void of emotion, and it only confused Alex more.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alex turned to face him a little better. "You're not making sense."

Scott looked over at him, almost tiredly. "Listen, dude. He always tries really hard to do right by you. Never wants to disappoint. You must know that."

"Well yeah but--"

"There's your answer. Make sense now?"


When Mitch was finally free from his math class, he rushed home as quickly as he could. 

He was unfazed by the sight of Scott and Alex sitting on the porch together, as he skipped over and dropped his bag on the ground by Alex's, only to sit himself down between them. 

Scott kissed the side of Mitch's head once. "Hey, babe, how was school?"

"Fine. How are you?" He stopped and turned to Alex. "Actually, how are you? Are you and Avi still arguing?"

Alex glanced at him, not expecting to be put on the spot immediately. "Oh, uh.. I'm okay... And we're okay. Gonna talk about it--"

"Also, has anyone seen Kirstie?" Mitch asked quickly.

Scott leaned forward a little to get a better look at Mitch's face. "Hey, maybe you should land on a topic and stay there long enough for everyone else to catch up."

Mitch only glanced at him. "I don't think I like Kyle very much."

Alex slid an arm over Mitch's shoulders, sighing softly. "Nobody really does, Mitchie."

Mitch then looked to Scott. "Is Kirstie at his house again?"

"How am I supposed to know..? I'm not her keeper."

"No, but you're the current mom. Supposed to keep track of your children."

Scott leaned away. "Wait, why do I have to be the mom? Why can't Avi be the mom?"

Alex frowned too. "Why can't we have two dads? That was a TV show, right?"

Mitch scoffed. "That show was cancelled for a reason."

Scott only shrugged. "Sounds like a better idea to me."

Mitch glanced at him. "Fine. Then we'll have one dad, and one daddy."

Scott spoke quickly. "You are not allowed to call another man daddy."

"Not 'allowed' to?" Mitch responded condescendingly, a smile tugging at his lips. "Guess you'll just have to be daddy then."


Scott was extremely excited to complain to Avi about being the two dads of the house, which is how he noticed that Avi was out of the house for way too damn long. 

Avi wasn't answering any texts or calls, and Scott was beginning to worry. 

He quickly went to find Mitch, who was sitting at the dining room table.

Scott plopped himself down beside Mitch, with a pout on his face. "Hey, babe..?"

Mitch pushed his glasses up his nose as he looked away from the homework on the table in front of him. "Yeah?"

"Sorry... I know you're busy..." Scott mumbled, uncertain of himself.

"No, no." Mitch tried, but exhaled and shook his head. "Sorry, honey.. College is overwhelming sometimes. I'll make more time for you, I promise."

"It's not your fault. I.. I should've known better, I'm--" Scott tried to stand, but Mitch grabbed his hand.

Mitch smiled at him. "I have some time, babe. What's up?"

"I just.. Avi hasn't been home in a while, and..." Scott just shrugged, looking away.

Alex finally walked out of his room, a large textbook in his arms as well as a hefty journal. "Mitchie, I have a question."

Mitch looked over quickly. "Yeah babe, what's up?"

Alex set his book on the table. "Can you explain this section to me?"

Scott stood from the table, knowing that it was time to get out of the way.

Mitch tried to hold onto him. "Babe, this'll only take a sec--"

"I'm gonna call Avi again." He responded quickly.


Avi came home shortly after that.

Mitch and Alex were still working at the table, deeply concentrated on their homework.

Scott was sitting outside, just waiting. Either Kirstie or Avi were bound to come home, and he decided he wanted to see them first.

Avi's car showed up first, and he grinned when he walked toward Scott. "Hey! What's up, dude?"

Scott looked over quickly. "Lots of homework going on inside this house. Where have you been?"

"Just... Out." Avi responded calmly, walking over to sit beside Scott on the porch. "So why are you out here..?"

"Don't wanna get in the way." He paused. "Also kinda waiting for Kirstie..? Haven't heard from her in a while."

Avi nodded slowly, now sitting directly beside Scott. "Ah... I see. Well then I guess we'll stay out here."

"Are you and Alex still arguing..?"

"I don't know actually. I've been thinking about it... I'm kind of a controlling person, and I know that. But... I'd be willing to change for him."

Mitch suddenly threw the door open, nearly hitting Avi with it. "Scott? What are you--? Get in here."

Scott stood quickly, turning to face Mitch. "What's wrong?"

"Just come here." Mitch responded shortly, leaving the door open as he disappeared from the doorway. 

Avi sighed as Scott looked down at him. Avi just shook his head. "Well... So much for that."


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