Thirty Two

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Doble doble


Mitch had tried to describe the 'change' he saw in Scott over the phone with Avi, so Avi would know what to look out for. 

But Avi already seemed completely convinced of it. "I know, Mitch. He literally just walked in here to ask me if I liked his black glasses or his pink glasses better." A pause. "Who the fuck owns pink glasses?"

"Avi, honey.. He already came out as gay. You can't get upset over a little pink." Mitch paused too. "Alex and Scott both look great in pink, you can't judge him for knowing which colors work."

Avi was staring at his bedroom door, making sure Scott didn't walk in. "Yeah, whatever... We're about to leave for the doctor's to get that damn cast off. Just so you know."

"I'm glad you guys are randomly in town for that... Please make sure he's careful."

"Yeah, yeah. I know what to do."

"And then... You're going to visit your father after that?"


"And then the concert..?"


"Okay... Be safe please? Make sure someone's sober enough to drive home."

"Yes mom. Hey, will you give the phone to Alex for me? Please?"


Scott was holding Avi's hand tightly in his newly cast-free hand, staring at his face with concern. "Should we sing for his birthday?"

Avi just continued to stare at the headstone, not saying a single word.

Avi's mother laughed softly though, as she put a hand on Avi's shoulder. "Let's do that, Av... He always loved hearing you sing."

Avi glanced over at her, face completely void of emotion. "Yeah... Okay." Just as his mother started to do so, Avi stopped her and reached for his phone in his pocket. "Wait, I gotta call Kevin... He can sing with us..."

Scott continued to stare at him, pain weighing heavy in his heart. 

Avi quickly dialed the number, having to clear his throat a few times so he could speak without sounding like he was about to cry. 


Mitch giggled as Kirstie sat down with a bowl of popcorn in her lap. "Okay, sorry. I'm ready."

Alex just smiled at her, sitting between her and Mitch. "No worries. We have all kinds of time."

She nodded, picking up a piece of popcorn to eat. "Is this movie gonna be scary? Because if so, I'd like to start crying sooner rather than later."

Mitch giggled again. "It's not scary, Kirst... It's gonna be okay."

"What movie is it? Will you please tell me now?"

Alex made eye contact with Mitch, and then turned back to her. "Fine... It's called Love Actually."

She gasped and smacked his thigh once. "You assholes! You had me all freaked out for a rom com?!"

"I never told you to be freaked out." Mitch defended. "I only said you might not like it."

Alex pouted, looking over at Kirstie as if he didn't hear a word either of them said. "You hit me."

Mitch put a hand on Alex's other thigh. "And she called us assholes."

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