Ninety Six

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At the airport, Avi and Scott said their goodbyes and then watched as Mrs. Kaplan walked toward the security check.

Scott nudged Avi's shoulder a little as they stood and watched. "You alright dude?"

"Yeah. I'll feel better when she lives closer."

"Me too... I'm glad she came by though. I've been missing her a lot."

"Yeah." Avi turned to walk, leading them out of the airport and toward the car. "She seems pretty smitten with Alex lately..."

"She's proud of you for being able to keep a relationship with a guy like that, dude. She's just happy for you."

"Yeah... I guess." Avi looked down at his feet, and shoved his hands in his pockets as they walked toward the parking lot. "Sometimes I worry, y'know. She loves him so much, and what happens when I'm not good enough for him..?"

"Man, come on. Don't do that to yourself. He loves you, and you've worked super hard to become everything that he deserves."

"But maybe--?"

"I am so not gonna have this conversation with you right now. You two deserve each other, and the only reason you're gonna push him away is by doing what you're doing right now. You have to establish some level of confidence."

"That's so complicated."

"It's really not though."


Mitch was in the kitchen, spatula in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

Scott walked directly into the kitchen to stand behind him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I thought I told you to go back to bed."

"You're not the boss of me." Mitch responded with a grin, taking a sip of his coffee. "What do you want in your omelette?"

"You know the answer to that." Scott hummed, one of his arms sliding around Mitch's waist as the other gave Mitch's ass a sharp smack. "You couldn't have bothered to put something on over your boxers?"

"No. A house full of gay men and you thought I'd miss out on showing off?"

"You aren't-- I mean you can't-- You're not just a gay man anymore, Mitchell. You're an engaged gay man."

Mitch giggled at him. "I know, I just like you to have to work to earn your man sometimes."

Scott paused, having to go over it in his head. "Oh... I guess I haven't been doing lots of cute things for you lately, have I?"

"Scottie, that's not what I meant. You don't have to--"

"But I want to, baby. I want you to always feel wanted, and worthy of attention."

Mitch turned the burner on the stove off, setting his spatula down and turning around to reach up and put his arms on Scott's shoulders with his hands clasped behind Scott's head. "You're such a sweetheart.. You don't have to worry about me, baby."

"I just... I remember someone telling me, like... How hard I worked to impress you when I first met you? How I treated you when I wanted you to date me? I should treat you like that all the time."

"I appreciate that baby, but I don't want you to kill yourself over it, y'know? I don't need you to bring flowers every day, or buy me coffee all the time or anything like that. You're already so amazing and wonderful to me."

Scott frowned, his arms tightening around Mitch's waist. "But... You're my wife, Mitchie. And I don't want you to ever forget it."


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