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While the rest of the group finished breakfast, Scott and Avi continued unloading boxes of small things that were still scattered around. 

Scott was having a hard time picking up boxes, simply because his cast was a hard surface that was easy for the cardboard to slide off of. 

He was only marginally frustrated, before one actually fell out of his hands when he was trying to carry it to the table to go through it, and he heard something inside of the box shatter. 

He sighed loudly, before hitting his cast against the wall loudly. "God fucking damn it." He muttered, before looking at the side of the box to see what it was labeled as. "Shit, Avi, I think this is yours. I'm so fuckin' sorry."

Mitch hurried into the room, eyes wide. "What was that noise? Are you okay?"

Scott turned back to look at him, visibly pissed off. "I'm fine. Broke some of Avi's shit though."

"No, I heard the box fall. What was the noise after that? Did you punch another wall, Scottie..?"

"Kinda." Scott responded with a shrug. "Just pissed at this fuckin' thing." He shook his arm a little, bringing Mitch's attention to the cast. 

Avi glanced over, giving Scott a suspicious look. "You know how irrational that is, right? To be annoyed with the cast, so you smack your arm on the wall to make sure it stays broken and that stupid cast stays on longer?"

"I'm fine, Avi. Don't patronize me."

Mitch stepped forward, putting a hand on Scott's back. "Honey, he has a point. Don't do that again, okay? Please?"

Scott nodded once. "Sorry... Didn't mean it..." He opened the box finally, facing what he'd utterly destroyed. "Shit, Avi I'm sorry..."

Avi peeked around him to look into the box. "Oh, no worries. That's literally the cheapest, lamest thing ever."

"It looks nice though, Av... Are you sure? I'll buy you a new one, just..." He tried to inspect the broken object. "Just tell me what the Hell it is."

Avi laughed a little. "Nothing important, Scott. I'm serious. Just forget it even happened, alright?" He faced the kitchen for a second. "Hey, Alex? Come here a sec."

Mitch sighed softly, before leaning forward to press a kiss to Scott's arm, just to get his attention. "See? It's okay, sweetie... Not a big deal. Stop being so hard on yourself, okay?" He spoke softly, knowing Scott gets embarrassed easily with touchy words like that.

Scott looked down to met his eyes, before pressing a quick kiss to Mitch's forehead. "I will... Thanks for lookin' out for me."

Mitch smiled, loving their height difference as he stared up at him. "You're welcome."

Alex was behind Mitch talking to Avi, taking the box from the table. "You're sure..?"

"Yeah. Just toss it."

Alex nodded slowly, and turned to obey him. "If you say so."

Avi gave him a quick smack on the ass. "Thanks, babe."

Scott eyed the action cautiously. "Oh, you're gonna be one of those couples. That's fine."

Avi watched Alex go, glancing down at his ass more than once. "Yeah, well. I know what I got when I got it. Know better than to be ungrateful."


When Alex came back into the room, he saw Scott and Mitch on the couch, but no sign of the others. 

He wandered into the kitchen, finding Kirstie doing the dishes from breakfast. Stepping up beside her, Alex grinned. "Can I help?"

"No thanks, babe." She responded softly, not glancing back. 

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