Eighty Four

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Mitch decided to drive them back to the hotel, not wanting Scott to try because of how upset he was. 

Avi was trying to explain things to Alex very quietly. "You can't pass judgement like that, Lex... That's not fair."

Alex's jaw was locked. "Nobody told me he fell in love with one of his rapists."

Mitch was quick to come to Scott's defense. "That's none of your business. How does that sound?"

Avi spoke softly, again. "Why does that bother you so much, Lexi?"

Scott finally held a hand up, letting go of Mitch's hand to do so. "Can we please stop doing this? Alex can be upset at me if he wants to. There's no point in arguing about it, okay? And just to be clear. He didn't actually... Y'know. Rape me."

Avi shook his head quickly. "Scott, come on. He's being an asshole."

"But it's not a big deal." Scott turned in his seat to face Avi. "So just drop it."

Alex tried to meet his eyes. "Listen, I'm not trying to be rude or anything. I just-- Personally, I feel I'd be the most likely to understand your situation. So I don't get how you could fall in love with--"

"I didn't fall in love with him, stop saying that." Scott exhaled loudly. "Alex. I don't expect you to empathize with me, I just don't think it's fair of you to pass judgement on something you don't fully understand."

Mitch nodded once, in an exaggerated way. "Yeah, exactly."

Alex just shook his head. "I'm not trying to judge, I just... I just don't understand."

Mitch spoke up again. "Nobody's asking you to understand, I just wish you'd be a friend to him because that's what he deserves."


It wasn't until they were getting out of the car to go back to the hotel, that Scott spoke up again. 

He looked around at all of them. "So, maybe... You guys should go do something fun. Go look at the bridge or something."

Avi stepped a little closer to him. "That's something we can all do together, Scott."

"No, no.. I wanna take a nap or something. I just wanna be alone for a little."

Avi shot a glare at Alex, but nodded. "Okay. That's fine, I guess."

Mitch grabbed onto Scott's hand. "I'll stay with you."

Avi spoke again. "No. Scott, you can't. You can't be alone, alright? We should all go. I'll drive, even."

Scott pulled his hand away from Mitch. "Come on, guys. Please? I just need time alone."

"Then be alone after we hang out a little. I don't want you to be all pissed off and upset, when this vacation was your fucking idea."

"But it wasn't supposed to be like this. I was gonna talk to Josh and deal with it on my own. But you guys always have to get in my business and--"

"Scott, shut up. We're your friends, dumbass. And you've never let any of us go through our problems alone. So just get in the fucking car."


Scott now sat on top of the hill that overlooked the Golden Gate Bridge. 

Avi was standing behind him, but back a few feet to give Scott the illusion of being alone. 

He was as silent  as could be, wanting to give Scott space but also knowing that Scott was dangerous when left alone. 

Alex and Mitch were on a walk, finding a different place to observe the bridge. Mainly, Mitch only went so he could have a talk with him. 

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