Sixty Two

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Kirstie was sitting across from Mitch in a restaurant that she'd brought him to, knowing he was upset. 

She also knew she'd been slacking on her friends recently, and wanted to make sure Mitch knew how much she cared for him. Of course she'd try to reconnect with all of them, but Mitch seemed like the easiest place to start. 

Mitch was staring at the cup of tea in front of him, slouching in his seat. 

"I don't understand... So then why would she lie about liking her best friend?"

"I think... She was well aware of how much I loved Scott, and... She knew it would get pity out of me if she told me she was in a similar situation."

"Ah, I see... Well that was dumb wasn't it? Didn't get her very far..."

"Yes it did... I mean, I forced Scott to go over there with me, way more times than he wanted. Because..." Mitch pouted a little, his voice lacking all enthusiasm. "I just want... I want everyone to have a chance at what Scott and I have. And I thought I could help someone else be as happy as I am."

"Aw, Mitchie..." Kirstie reached across the table to put her hand on top of his. "You're so sweet... Don't feel guilty about it, okay? I barely remember her either."

"But... She sat by me for an entire year... And I couldn't even remember her name." Mitch finally looked up at Kirstie. "I like to consider myself a nice person, but... That's so shitty."

"Kind of shitty, yeah. But it's not your fault that she wasn't as important to you as you were to her. You had your eye on someone else."


Scott waited for Mitch to come home, and then excitedly ran out into the garage to greet him. 

Scott threw open his car door and offered him a hand. "Hi, baby."

Mitch grinned at him. "Hi, sweetheart. What's got you in such a good mood?"

"I've been waiting for you to come home, that's all."

"You are such a puppy dog, I swear." Mitch stood from the car, letting go of Scott's hand only to place it on the side of Scott's face. "I mean, look at those beautiful, puppy dog eyes of yours."

Scott leaned down to kiss him once, grinning as he pulled back. "I know you just got back, but can we go out and do something? Please?"

"Mr. Hoying, are you asking me out on a date?"

"Yes I am. I would be honored if you would accompany me." He momentarily glanced over at Kirstie. "That is... If you've finished your turn with him?"

Kirstie just giggled at him. "You can borrow him, but please bring him back in one piece."

"Yes, Ma'am." He responded respectfully, and then looked back at Mitch. "I'm gonna run in and grab my wallet. Would you like to drive?"

Mitch glanced over at the sports car off to the side of them. "Um, yes please. Absolutely."

Kirstie shook her head at them, a fond smile on her face as she wandered back inside the house.

Avi was sitting on the couch holding an ice bag against Alex's face, as he typed away on his phone with the other hand. 

Kirstie gasped at them, and walked over quickly. "Oh my God, Alex what happened?"

Alex was just leaning back on the couch. "Practice... Elbowed in the face."

Avi nodded slowly, looking at Kirstie. "He's fine. It's just a bruise. I'm being over dramatic with the ice, but... Whatever."

 Kirstie sat down on the table in front of the two boys, now able to face them. "Does it hurt?"

Alex shrugged. "Not really... The guy felt really bad, but it's kinda stopped hurting since then. I'm not trying to be a baby about it, just... My teeth clacked together really roughly, and I hated it."

"Aw, honey, I'm sorry... Maybe you should have some ice cream or something."

Avi scoffed at her. "Who do you think you're talking to? He probably hasn't eaten a carb since last week."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Will you knock it off with that? I'm a healthy eater. Stop trying to make me feel bad about it."

Kirstie interrupted the argument in hopes of avoiding it. "Maybe some yogurt then? I think we have the healthy one you usually eat..."

Alex gave her a smile, thankful for her deterring the argument. "That would be wonderful. Thank you."


Scott held Mitch's hand tightly, walking him through the mall with a wide smile. 

Mitch pointed briefly at a handbag in the window of a store. "Ooh, look how cute that is!"

"I'll buy it for you." Scott responded quickly.

Mitch giggled, having to hold Scott back from walking into the store. "Will you chill out? We're just looking, Scottie. I don't want you to buy anything."

"What about if we look at clothes? You always want those."

"Well yeah, but I don't want you buying them. I like buying them for myself."

"But... Mitchie, please? I never know what to spend my money on, and I just want you to feel special all the time and I so don't mind buying you everything you've ever wanted and--"

"Sweetheart, breathe." Mitch giggled again. "You always make me feel special."

Scott pouted, but looked away. He kept scanning the stores they walked by, sighing loudly. 

Mitch squeezed his hand. "Scottie, come on... Don't be like that. I just want you to save your money, okay? You buy so much for me already... And you've bought so many things for all your friends..."

"But... I just want to make you happy, Mitchie. I know that what happened this morning was hard on you."

"Sure it was. But you make me happy, baby. You, all by yourself. I don't need anything else in the world."

Scott nodded slowly. "I understand... But if you see something you want, please tell me?"

"Of course. You got it... That'll make you feel better?"

"Don't say it like that, I just... I wanna buy you something that's gonna make you smile when you look at it."

"Scottie, again... You make me smile, honey. You're all I need."

Scott suddenly smiled. "Maybe I should start donating my money... You always cry at those animal commercials, with like... The sad dogs. And the ones from that children's hospital..?"

"Aw, sweetie... That's the cutest thing. I would fully support you for doing that. Maybe start with one commitment and see how you feel, okay?"

Scott nodded quickly, still grinning. "I know for sure that'll make you smile."


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