Hometown Glory

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That day but at night

When I got home Bailey was here which surprised me. "Where have you been?! I've been around the whole town just looking for your white ass and now you show up?" I wanted to hug her. It's like I was on E. I just felt all lovey dovey and stuff. "I was at the library boo. Man I had the time of my life." She put her hand in her hips and her jaw locked. "At the library? You're pathetic."

"No I'm serious! I met this guy named Dylan. He was so sweet to me and he enjoys literature." She fake yawned and I hugged her. "How bout you spend the night? You can leave early in the morning to pack?" She nodded and we weaved our way in the house. It was like a party going on. Proof, Gary, Bizzy,Bugz, Jeanette...it was crazy. "BELLA!!!" They screamed. I laughed as they all tackled me to the floor with hugs. "We missed you soo much!"

"I was only gone for twelve hours...okay miss me famz." I laughed. Marshall kissed up my neck and on my cheek until Kim slapped him. I rolled my eyes at that and they all got off of me and hugged Bailey for the last time. It was sad that she was leaving but if I went to college out there I'd see her at least once in my life.

We all sat on the couch and Charlie came home. He had two large pizza boxes in his hands and we literally bombarded that thing. Kim fell asleep after we finished eating and we played jokes on her. I put cucumbers in her pants and Marshall drew a mustache on her face. Jeanette drew 'My Bitch' on her forehead and Proof and Bugz sprayed their cologne on her. Bizzare tried to f her but Marshall literally almost crushed him. So we put a shower cap on his head and was careful to puck her up. We made Bizzy cradle her and Marshall at least let him come inches from her face. I couldn't stop giggling and they would shush me to make me shut up. Bailey was gonna be the person to wake her up with a blow horn.

We hid behind the stair case abs watched as she put the blow horn to Kim's stomach. She pressed the button and she went ballistic. "She saw Bizzy and screamed. "WHAT THE FUCK! WHO THE HELL DID THIS!!!" She said smelling herself. She stood in the mirror and screamed even louder. "MARSHALL BRUCE MATHERS IM GONNA FUCKING CHOP YOUR HUGE ASS NOSE OFF!!!!" I started laughing like a lune and they all glared at me. "I-IM sorry!" I panted, holding my stomach. She waddled because the cucumbers and I nearly died. Oh my gosh this was crazy. "Yo Shut up Bells!" Proof scolded. "I'm- I'm trying." Marshall held up his tickle fingers and I shut my mouth then.

----'When everyone is sleeping----

Bailey and I were the only ones up. We were painting our fingernails and praying no one woke up to hear our conversation. "So he's two years older than you bells?" She asked in a whisper. "Yea. I'm telling you I have never in my life been loved as much as he loved me today." I gushed. "What about Marshall? He always seems to be there. Why not him?" I glanced at a sleeping Mickey. He sleeps with his hands at his side and his head to the right. So do I since I'm left handed. I guess that has a lot to do with it. "I guess it's just because he is dating Kim ya know. Yea I love him but it's to a certain degree. I want us to be close forever. Never fighting or cussing at one another. Only because I feel our love is perfect." I still never took my eyes off of him as I spoke.

"Well I'm not a fairy godmother at all but I can tell you this...you guys are gonna be more than friends. I can see it. Him kissing you and everything." I looked down at my hands and smiled. "That'd be great B. But he's already in love and I don't see myself ruining that." She nodded and laid down. "Well um since I'm gonna be gone most of your life now...i want you one day in your life...tell him how you feel." She stuck her pinkie out for me and I crossed it with mine.

"See ya later Balligator." I said. "In a while Belladile." We laughed and I settled into the blankets that were laid out for me.

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