Chapter 40

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I nervously twirled my ring in my fingers as I sat in the main office of Avondale Elementary. Me and one other woman were both there for an interview and had been waiting for the principal for over an hour.

I was so nervous, I kept fidgeting and constantly checking my phone while she calmly sat there flipping through a magazine.

And the worst part was I couldn't decipher where my anxiety was stemming from.

Was it the interview? Since Abel scheduled the interview for me did the principal already know why I got fired from my other job? And did she know I was with him? If she did was that going to make her bias? What if she didn't hire me because I'm with him? Or what if that's the only reason she hires me?

Or was I nervous about my doctors appointment? I had no clue what she was going to tell me but she said it was serious. What if she wanted to put me on more hormones? Or I can't have children at all? Or what if I was pregnant again but miscarried?

All of these questions kept swirling around and around in my head until I felt nauseous.

I told the secretary I'd be right back before leaving the office and almost running down the hall until I found a bathroom.

I rushed inside and as soon as I saw the trash can, I threw up.

When I was done I rinsed mouth out and sighed heavily as I looked in the mirror.

"Pull it together Princess." I said to myself as I ran my hands over my skirt, smoothing it out a bit. "Just enough to get through this interview."

I left the bathroom and walked back into the office and took my seat next to the woman.

"What's wrong sweetie?" The woman next to me asked snarkily. "Is this your first interview?"

"No, it's not. I just haven't been feeling well lately."

"Hmph, maybe you should just skip out on this interview then. I'm going to get the job anyway."

"What makes you say that?"

"I've been teaching for over twenty years and any school I'm at flourishes. Not just the students but the staff and school itself as well."

"The last school you were at must not have flourished that much since you're sitting here."

She scoffed and before she could say anything else the principal walked out her office.

She was a black woman that looked just a little bit older than me, she had blonde hair and bright green eyes that were honestly kind of intimidating.


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I smiled as I stood up. "That's me."

She motioned for me to follow her and I did. She sat behind her desk and I sat in a chair across from her.

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