Chapter 33

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I sighed heavily as I looked at the negative pregnancy test on the counter. My period was late again and I really thought I was pregnant but the test said otherwise.

I wasn't disappointed since Abel and I weren't trying to have a baby yet, but I was confused because I didn't know why my period was late again.

I threw the test in the trash then walked out to the bedroom. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and called my mom.

"Uh oh, you only call me when you're in distress." She laughed. "What's going on?"

"So last month my period was late, so I thought I was pregnant but when I took the test it came back negative. And the same thing happened again this month."

"Are you stressing out about anything?"

"Yeah, kind of. The school board is cutting a lot of funding for the music program so I could lose my job."

"Ooh well I'm sure if you do, Abel won't mind taking care of you."

"I know he won't, but I'm gonna miss working. I love my job and all my students."

"You could always move back here and keep teaching or anywhere else really. Teaching is a job that's always in a high demand."

"I really love it here and I'd hate to move again but I'll think about it."

"Good. Now as far as your period is concerned, the stress could definitely be throwing it off. Or maybe your hormones are out of wack. You should go see your doctor."

"I'll call and make an appointment for tomorrow." I sighed heavily. "Anyway, are you coming  with Amiyah and Jade next weekend?

"No, I've got work. I'm sorry hun."

"It's okay, I'm gonna make a trip down there for thanksgiving so I'll see you soon."

"Okay, make sure you call me after your appointment and tell me everything."

"I will."

"Good, I love you."

"I love you too, bye ma."

I hung up then called my doctor and made an appointment for the next day.

Once I was done on the phone, I took some ibuprofen since I had a headache then decided to watch movies until Abel came home.

I went out to the living room and turned on our Smart TV as I plopped down on the couch with my favorite blanket.

I got half way through the movie The Princess Bride when I heard the elevator ding which meant someone, that could only be Abel, was on it.

A few seconds later I heard the doors open and then him yelling.

"Baby! Where are-" He saw me on the couch and laughed. "There you are."

I laughed as he sat down by my feet. "Did you have fun at the studio?"

Abel found a studio in DC and sometimes he would go there while I was at work so he could pass the time.

"Yeah, I love the vibe of that place. Almost as much as I love the vibe of my LA studio. How was work today?"

"Fine, I guess."

"You didn't have fun with the kids?"

"No, I did...I just...things are getting really complicated at work."

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