Chapter 18

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Her mom, brother and sister ^^
"Are you ready?" I asked Abel as we pulled up outside of my mom's house. "I'm nervous."

"Why are you nervous? I should be the nervous one."

"My brother is just really over protective. I don't want him to scare you off with his questions or something."

"My mom got to question you so I don't mind them questioning me." He smiled. "Now let's go inside."

We got out the car an he grabbed my hand as we walked up to the door.

I rung the door bell and few seconds later my mother answered the door with a huge smile on her face.


"Hi mama!" I let go of Abel's hand and gave her a big hug. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too honey!"She stepped back from our hug then smiled at Abel. "You must be Abel."

"Yes, that's me." He smiled back. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." She grabbed my hand and started to lead me into the house. "Come on, your auntie and uncle are out back."

She lead me threw the house and out the back door and Abel followed. When walked outside my aunt Bri was sitting at a table while my uncle Charlie was busy cooking on the grill.


They both came over and gave me a hug.

"You been gone for so long I though me and your brother were gonna have to come save you." My uncle said jokingly.

"I just wanted to have some fun before I had to go off to school." I shrugged. "Where is Chris?"

My mom answered. "He went to go pick up Jade from practice, they should be home soon."

"Ooh okay. I'm gonna-"

"Princess,what happened to you?" Bri asked as she motioned to my legs.

I had a dress on so the scratches I got from having sex with Abel on a damn rock were clearly visible on my legs and arms.

"Um we went rock climbing in Turks. They don't have a lot of the safety precautions there that we have here so I got a little scraped up."

She nodded. "Ooh okay."

"Anyways...I'm gonna take Abel inside and show him around a bit before Jade and Chris get here."

I grabbed his hand and lead him back into the house.

"Why were you so nervous? They all seem so nice."

"You haven't met my brother yet, he's the one you need to worry about."

I lead him up the stairs snd stopped in front of my bedroom door when I remembered what was on the other side.

"Um, let's just go back downstairs."

"Why? You don't wanna show me your room?"

"Not really..."

"Why not?"

"I have posters of you all over. It's embarrassing."

He laughed. "Aaw let me see."

"Promise you won't make fun of me."

Abel's Princess (The Weeknd + Normani Kordei)Where stories live. Discover now