Chapter 12

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"Wait, wait, wait!" I grabbed Abel's hand to keep him from pushing his mother's door bell.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you sure she wants to meet me?"

"Yes, she's actually excited...I've never introduced one of my girlfriends to her."

"Seriously? Not even Bella?"

He shook his head no.

"But you guys were together for a while."

"Yeah, but our relationship was really complicated and I knew we weren't gonna be together long term so I felt as though there was no reason to introduce her to my mom."

"You think we're going to be together long term?"

"I do." He smiled. "Now, can I ring the door bell?"


He rung the bell and a few seconds later a short woman who looked just like him opened the door.

"My baby boy!" She yelled as she pulled him into a hug. "I've missed you so much!"

"I missed you too!" He pulled back from her hug then smiled at me. "Mama, this is Princess."

"Hi Ms.Samra."

"Oh please, just call me Samra." She smiled as she lead us into the house.

She took us to her dining room where the table was already set with what I assumed was an Ethiopian dish sitting in the middle.

Abel and I sat next to each other and she placed some food on our plates before sitting across from us.

"So Princess, how did you and Abel meet?"

"We met at his show in Atlanta."

"Ooh, so you two haven't known each other that long?"

"Not's been a little over a month."

"Hmm, okay. How old are you?"


She raised an eyebrow at Abel then started talking to him in Amharic, which I didn't understand. They went back and forth for a few minutes and every now and then his mom would glance at me, making me even more nervous.

"Sorry about that." Abel mumbled to me once they finished.

"What did-"

Samra cut me off. "Anyway, are you going to school Princess?"

"Yes, I'm transferring to Howard University in the fall."

"What are you studying?"

"Music education, I want to be an elementary music teacher."

"Ooh that's nice."

She asked me a few more questions before finally shifting her attention to Abel. I ate and listened as he told her all of his tour stories.

Once we were finished eating Samra asked me to come to the kitchen with her to clean up.


"Yes ma'am?"

"Do you love my son?"

I smiled. "I do."

"Do you really? You two haven't known each other for six months yet."

"I really do. I know you may be skeptical because I'm a fan of his, and just like any fan girl, I had a crush on him. But when I found out I was going to be meeting him, I was so excited but so scared too. Some celebrities don't really care about their fans you know? And I was scared that he wouldn't even hold a conversation with me but he was so nice. He signed my album, then invited me back to his hotel and we just talked for hours. He's just so...charming and I love being able to spend time with him."

"And you don't love him for the money?"

"No, of course not. I love him 'cause he likes to stay up and watch cartoons with me, some times he skips going to the club so he can go back to the hotel and keep me company, he puts up with me wanting to play board games and watch documentaries all the time and he really makes me feel good about myself. I'm really insecure and hard on myself sometimes and he hates it, so he's always reassuring me.

"Why are you insecure? You're a gorgeous girl!"

"Thank you...but growing up I would get picked on a lot and I learned to ignore most of it but I guess some of it just stuck with me."

"You can't let people's words bother you honey, you're beautiful and anyone that tells you otherwise is just jealous and insecure about themselves."

"Thank you Ms.Samra."

"And from what I can tell, you seem very humble and mature for your age, and I'm glad that you're with Abel. He's always with those stupid model girls, partying and stuff. He needs someone like you in his life to keep him level-headed."

"That means so much to me, I was so scared you weren't gonna like me."

"Why wouldn't I like you?! You're nice, smart, beautiful and I can tell Abel really likes you. That's all I care about, as long as he is happy, I am too."

She gave me a hug and we finished cleaning up.

When we were done we joined Abel in the living room where he was on the couch watching TV.

"Abel honey, would you like some left overs to take home?"

"Ooh no thank you mama, there's plenty to eat back at my place." He smirked at me and I felt my face getting hot. "Thank you for dinner though. It was amazing as always."

"And thank you for having us over Ms.Samra. I'm glad I got to meet you."

"Didn't I tell you to just call me Samra?" She laughed. "I'm glad I got to meet you too Princess, I see your relationship with Abel going very far."

She gave Abel and I a hug and then we left.

We got into his silver Maserati and he smiled over at me.

"That wen't well, don't you think?"

"I do." I smiled back. "I'm glad she likes me."

"I told you she would."

I was honestly more than glad, I was relieved. I was so nervous and knowing that I was the first girl he has ever taken to meet his mom put my anxiety through the roof when I really had nothing to worry about.

Abel's Princess (The Weeknd + Normani Kordei)Where stories live. Discover now