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Trixie's POV 

It's been about three weeks since we went to the beach and I hadn't been little a lot. Whether it was because I was asleep at home or around others doing shows. So when we have a weekend off I wake up feeling brattier than ever. 

I stretch out and lay across Katya who was still asleep. "Trixieeeee." He groans and tries to push me off but I just lift my feet off of the bed to put more weight on him. 

"Daddddyyyyyyyyy" I whine back and he snaps his eyes open glaring at me. 

"Get off. Go have a shower while I get up." He says in a husky voice. I go to talk back but he cuts me off. "Now young man." I get up and head to the shower but not without an eye roll. 

Katya's POV

I've got my hands full today. I wasn't even awake and he was being a brat. While he showers I have a smoke and lay out an outfit. 

He walks back in without anything covering him. He smiles proudly like he's won drag race again. Suddenly thumping makes me jump. "Put on the outfit laid out. I'll be back."

I race out to the lounge room to see Adore stomping his feet at Bianca. "No. Not you tooooo!" I complain and Bianca swivels his head to face me. 

"Trixie?" He questions and I nod my head.

 Trixie's POV 

I walk out to the lounge room where I see Adore throwing a tantrum and Bianca and daddy rolling their eyes. Suddenly Katya faces me and frowns. 

"That's not the outfit I laid out fo-" he starts to say but is cut off by Adore. 

"'Dore be qwuite!" I snipe at him and he glares at me. Katya smacks the back of my head and I groan rubbing it. "Ouchie dada!" 

"Well if you behaved I wouldn't need to. You're still getting punished." He says and pulls my Boomer Banks jacket off before I register what has happened. 

"Nuuuuuuuu!" I cry out and make grabby hands. Daddy just glares at me. 

"March back to the room and get changed properly!" He demands and I follow his order with my head hung. I won't stop though. And I can tell Adore won't either.

Adore's POV

I'm so fucking into little space that I can't help it... I whine trying to get Daddy to pay attention to me. Sir Katya and him are talking. "DAAAAAADDDDDDYYYYYY!" He looks at me and cocks his eyebrow and keeps talking. He's ignoring me. I go to our room and slam the door. I was upset and fully in little space which was never a good combo. I scream out in the bedroom flopping on the bed. I hear the door open and see Trixie slip in and I know he feels the same way as I do. "I no wanna be big no mores! Daddy's being mean!" I sniffle as Trixie does too we curl into each other looking like a ball in the middle of the bed. 

"Dore.... wannas cuddles wif yous." Our sniffles fill the room as we cry letting out emotions that we both have held back. We have been super busy making it rough on us which is why we're crashing into little space right now. We cry ourselves to sleep. What we didn't know is our daddies had come in to check on us seeing that we were both asleep they slipped out to go talk some more.

Bianca's POV

It dawns on me why both Trixie and Adore are being such brats today. They've been so busy and having to be grown that they repressed their little side. I sigh when I realize this as I look at Katya. "They repressed their littles too much... it's why today they were acting out. We've been so busy that today they couldn't keep it back anymore. I feel bad because they are so upset." I feel Katya's hand on my arm. "Don't blame yourself Bianca. We both missed it. I think we need to have a talk with them after their nap.... I can't believe they cried themselves to sleep." 

I know Katya feels bad too. We talk for a bit more as we hear scurrying around indicating they were awake. Both Katya and I walk into the room as both boys are waking up slowly. "Hey boys..." They look at us and then look down. "Sowwys Daddy's..." Katya and I stop them and sigh. I spoke up trying to explain to them. "We know you hadn't had the time to let your littles free due to our crazy work schedules. Yes you did act out and should deserve punishment, but we also have taken into consideration that you both couldn't help it. You can't help it. we should have been more mindful. We are sorry boys. We promise to try and help take a break to where you two can be little. We are proud of how hard you two have been working." 

Suddenly we are pounced on by our littles as they hug and kiss us. "We shoulda has told you we needed littles times. Wes sorrys too. We no realized how hard it was on us to be bigs for so long." Trixie spoke as Adore looked a little shy. Katya and I hug our baby boys. This was a learning point for us all. I smile an kiss Adores head as he smiles. "Cans we has kitty pwaytime Daddy?" I look over at where Katya was noticing that him and Trixie were gone. I chuckle softly and nod at Adore who jumps up running to the door and locks it before stripping down and putting his collar on. I notice when he comes back hes carrying a couple things in his mouth which he drops at my feet and sits with his palms up waiting on me as I chuckle. We are in for a fun night. Adore give me a saucy grin before winking and lets just say. Damn that was fun. 

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