Take Me Home Country Roads..

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Warning:: Mentioning of sexual abuse. You have been warned.

Adore's POV

The last few days had passed so quickly. Trixie, Katya, Bianca, and me had been all but inseparable the whole time. But I was kind of worried something about Bianca was off. She tried not to let it show but I could tell from her actions something was up. Right now we're all hanging out in Trixie and Katya's room and I lean my head against Bianca's shoulder. I feel him wrap his arms around me and I cuddle into him. 

Bianca's POV

I've had so many things on my mind here lately and I know that Adore has been picking up on them. She's not pressured me into saying my thoughts out loud but she's been attached to my side holding me. 

"Hey guys... I have an idea... Since we are all usually together anyways due to travelling and shit. What do you think about moving in together and pitching in to get a house? I think it's silly paying for separate apartments. Just an idea..."

I look over at Adore as she smiles kissing me softly.

"I think that is a wonderful idea Daddy. What do you think Sir Katya and Trixie?"

I see them grin evilly and then Katya laughs as Trixie answers.

"Fuck yes! You bitches better be ready!"

We all laugh as I look at Katya mouthing that we needed to talk. I really just needed to vent to Katya. I don't want to worry Trixie or Adore. I just have been having a bit of a rough patch remembering my first relationship... I'm scared shitless about treating Adore like that and hurting her. I shouldn't but that doubt creeps up sometimes. Plus we've been working our asses off so it's just a shit show in my head right now...

I give one more kiss to Adore before walking over into the adjoining room and hearing Katya follow me telling Trixie he'll be back. I hear the door close as I sit on the bed. 

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I feel the bed dip as he sits beside me I sigh.

"I'm fucking scared Katya..."

"Bianca scared? What the hell is going on?"

I feel his hand on my shoulder as I take a deep breath beginning to explain whats going on in my head. He stays quiet and just lets me talk.


I'm curled in the corner he smell of alcohol is overwhelming in the tiny apartment. I had just came home from my gig. It was a little later than usual. I look over at the clock. FUCK it's 5am and he's probably more than three sheets to the wind. I open the door to the bathroom quietly and start to dedrag before stepping in the shower washing the night away. I'm trying to keep quiet hoping that my partner had went to sleep. I step out of the shower wrapping a towel around myself only to be meant by intense hazel eyes.

"You're late."

I feel him grab my hair dragging me into the bedroom and throw me on the bed, before ripping the towel off feeling him grab me and all I feel is pain... Incredible pain. I'm trying to fight him off. He finished in me rolling off and falling asleep on the bed as I slowly crawl into the bathroom. I'm bloody, bruised, and trying my hardest to not fall apart as I quickly text Bunny. That night Bunny had saved me from myself.

::End Flashback::

I look up at Katya as he rubs my back reassuringly. 

"You know you won't ever be like that Bianca. You know better and that jackass didn't deserve you. Thank you for telling me. I could see why you are so closed off. You do it to protect yourself."

Katya hugs me as I feel his hand on my face wiping a tear away. We just talk as he helps me just feel a lot better. We start looking through pictures of houses showing Katya more and more houses as we get lost in searching. Not knowing there were curious kittens on the other side of the door. 

Trixie's POV

My gut drops as I stand by the door. I wasn't meant to have heard that. We weren't meant to have heard that. I tug on Adore's hand and drag him away. I fully slip into little space as my lip starts trembling. 

Tears fall down my face as adore swipes them away as my breathing quickens. My throat is tight and I put a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming for my daddy. Unfortunately Adore makes the mistake of pulling my hand off in an attempt to calm me. 

"DADA!! DAAAADDDDY!" I squeal before clamping my hand back over my mouth. 

Katya's POV 

After having Bianca calmed I hear Trixie's high pitched squeal. I stumble to my feet and burst through the door to see Trixie sobbing hysterically. I rush over and pull the crying boy into my lap. 

"Shhhh. Shhhh. I'm here. Daddy's here." I coo softly into his ear. I rock him back and forth, rubbing his back gently. 

"M sowwy da da. M a bad boy." He cries while clinging onto my shirt. His face is covered by tears and there's snot around his nose. 

"Why do you think you're a bad boy?" I ask trying to get to the bottom of this. My baby is upset and I can't stand the thought of him hurting. His arms snake around me and squeezes way too tight but I let him. 

"I-I-" he tries to speak but can't spit it out. I turn to Adore who has his head hung low in what appears to be embarrassment. "Adore. Spit it out." Bianca's stern voice comes from nearby also noticing the younger boys reaction. 

"We're really sorry. We didn't mean to listen in. I was just curious." Adore says. "I'm sorry daddy. I'm sorry Sir Katya." Adore is starting to cry too making me the only person without puffy red eyes. 

"Oh kitten" "Oh Princess" Bianca and I say at the same time soothing our boyfriends. 

"You know we can make a Playroom when we get a house together." I say using distraction to try calming my princess. It works instantly. 

"Wike for playtime? Or jus to play?" He asks looking into my eyes innocently. I let out a soft chuckle. 

"Just to play sweetie. Playtime is for the bedroom." I say rolling my eyes at his straightforwardness. "Now next time all you have to do is remember not to listen in and ask me what we were talking about. What if it was a surprise party hmm?" I question stroking his cheek making him turn deep red. 

"Sowwy daddy." He says laying his head on my shoulder.

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