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Warning there are mentions of abuse in this... If you are squeamish.... well this is your warning. Also this is just for the book and didn't happen in life. Its a charater so don't get all pissy... kthxbai!

Katya's POV 

Bianca and I were going out to run errands and the boys had been really well behaved since Trixie's bratty meltdown. Today was the day we had designated to have off so they could be little for a full day but it also needed to be used for practical stuff as well. 

"Okay boys. Snacks, in the fridge there's a tub each. Purple for Adore because that has meat and pink for Trixie. In the pantry there is two more tubs. One each!" Bianca says looking at Adore towards the end as he's known to take Trixie's food. 

"Call us if you need to, keep the doors locked and behave. I've put drag race clips on shuffle and there is coloring and toys in the play room. Trixie make sure you put dishes in the sink." I add on before grabbing my keys from the table. 

Trixie and Adore run over. Trixie jumps up and I just catch him. "Whoa easy there princess. I could have dropped you." I say and he blushes. 

"M gonna misses ou lots Dada" He says before kissing me as Adore does the same with Bianca. I put Trixie down and he runs to the couch. 

"Be good." I say before opening the door.

Trixie's POV 

I settle on the couch as Adore runs to the fudge. "Trixieeeee. Do you want foods?!" He yells out holding the tubs. I nod my head and he wonders over. 

I grab my food from him and we snuggle up as clips play. There's a few from my season first and then season one before an All Stars Two clip comes on. It's the talent show challenge.

Suddenly I feel Adore cling onto me tightly. "Dore? Dore otay?" I ask him as he looks away from the screen. "Dore?" I ask again starting to get a bit worried.

When I hear him choking on his own breath I snap out of little space. I grab the remote and turn the TV off before I reposition Adore so he's more comfortable. "Breath Adore. Deep breaths. In and out." I soothe him until he's breathing properly again. 

"I-I saw Michael." He says suddenly and I frown slightly. 

"Who?" I smooth down adores messy hair and he takes a deep breath before he starts to explain everything. 

"Roxxxy, he and I... He used to..."

Adore's POV

Trixie is holding me and I'm tying to calm my breathing. Trixie doesn't know about my past. The tears flow down my face and I feel Trixie's concerning eyes on me as he wipes my tears. 

"Take a deep breath compose your thoughts..." 

He takes my hand in his rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb and it's helping calm me. 

"Roxxxy abused me Trixie..." I sniffle and more tears fall as I remember him. "He would get so drunk Trix... He would hit me whenever I didn't do things to his standards. The last time I was with him... When I finally got the courage to leave, I called Bianca. He doesn't know what all went on. He didn't ask. All he knows is I was all cut up and bruised. I never told him who it was or what happened. Roxxxy wouldn't just abuse me physically Trix. Any way he could think of he would hurt me.... I was so scared Trixie. I don't want to be scared with Bianca, Trixie. I know he's different. He truly cares and.... and....."

I was inconsolable for a few minutes the more I cried the better I felt though. I didn't realize that holding this secret in for this long would do that to me. The tears were cleansing to me and Trixie holding me made me feel so much better. He played with my hair before he spoke.

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