We'rrreee Hooommeee....

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Trixie's POV

I walk through the door and immediately collapse into little space. I've had to be big all the way home and I'm trying to deal with so much in my brain that I just can't do that any longer.

I drop my suitcase with a clatter and run to my bedroom. My 'friend of dolly' shirt and shorts are thrown into the washing basket and I run around in just my underwear looking for my onesie. I end up bent down with my butt in the air looking under the bed.

"Oh my. Princess why are we naked?" Katya asks from behind me and I scramble to my feet holding the fluffy outfit in my hand.

"Is not nakey Dada!" I whine as I start to get dressed. "Has undies on." He smiles and comes closer doing the buttons up along the front.

"Well you're cute as always." Katya says before I look down and see a tent in his jeans. He brings my head back up and gives me a smile. "Why don't you go and see if Adore wants to play. I'll be out in a while."

I go to protest but he shushes me and shoos me away.

Bianca's POV

I finally lay down on bed with a sigh of relief. I feel like I'm being hugged by a cloud as the pillowy doona engulf me. Adore patterns around the room silently before leaving giving me complete silence.

I roll into the blankets and hug them as I relax.

Adore's POV

I walk out of the room and pace the hallway as thoughts swirl around my head. My daddy is hurting and it's my fault. But he's not being as stubborn and is letting us look after him.

It's all so confusing and conflicting.

Suddenly Trixie walks out of his room and smiles down at me. "Dos Dore wanna play?" He asks fiddling with his hands.

I sigh and look up at him. "M-maybe in an hour. I'm not in the mood just yet. You can have fun on your own though. Like watch that new Bratz movie you got." I suggest and he nods skipping of down the stairs.

I continue pacing until I hear what sounds like a groan come from Katya and Trixie's bedroom. I can't help but listen as the groans turn into moans. Fuck I shouldn't be listening in but it's a guilty pleasure. There's a muffled Trixie before it gets quiet and I quickly run to Bianca and my bathroom. Fuck! I need a hot shower or maybe even a cold one as I look down at the tent in my pants. I shake my head and decide what the hell. Were home and I really need to let go of some tension. 

I step under the steamy shower and moan as my muscles start to relax. I usually don't do this but I didn't want to bother Daddy, he was finally relaxing and resting in our bed. I close my eyes and drift off into a fantasy of mine. I begin to touch myself sensually. Imagining my own hands as Daddy's hands trailing slowly over my nipples and up to my neck. I lightly squeeze my neck choking myself as my other hand drifts down. 

"Fuck. It feels so good..." I moan and lose myself into the fantasy. I didn't know that I was being loud enough that the others can hear me. I needed this... I wanted this....

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