Punishments and sickness....

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Katya's POV 

"I know you're worried about me Katya. I'm fine. But we really need to think about hitting the road again soon. I think it'd be good- boys! Stop running off." Bianca yells interrupting himself as Trixie and Adore are heading into a store. They stop and wonder back. I grab my princesses hand tightly. 

"Behave or you'll be punished." I warn smacking his hand. He rubs it and pushes his bottom lip out dramatically. 

"M sowwy Dada." He says as we head towards the food court. "Cans I pwease has pasta!" He suddenly squeals and I hush him. 

"Yes but next time no squealing." I correct him and he huffs out a breath muttering a 'fine' "and drop the attitude little one. You too." I point at an equally bratty Adore. 

Bianca sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'll get food for everyone. You look after these brats. Adore Katya is in charge. Do what he says." He says before going around to the Chinese place first. 

I sit Adore and Trixie in the booth. I give Adore his phone which he opens and brings up a coloring app and I give Trixie his ds. He still has a black eye and Bianca still looks slightly off or even sick. The two littles sit there and behave... For a little while at least. 

"Twixie stooooop." Adore whines before giving Trixie a shove. 

"Dore dat hurt!" He exclaims rubbing his arm dramatically. God he really is a princess. 

"Stop now both of you or you get a leg each. Don't think that I won't spank you in front of everyone." I warn as Bianca emerges with trays of food. 

"Okay so nuggets, pasta, beef and broccoli and kebab for me. Did you behave for Katya?" He asks Adore putting the nuggets, chips and poptop in front him.

"Yes daddy I w-" "not on the best of behavior. Two little boys need to pick up their act." I cut Adore off before leaning into Bianca. "At this point Trixie's writing lines when we get home unless he stops." 

"D-dada I needs potty." Trixie suddenly whines tugging on my sweater. I sigh and grab his hand. 

"Come on then sweetness."

Trixie's POV

 I know I've been misbehaving all day. I just couldn't help myself. As soon as we're home I run in and jump onto the couch. Adore follows suit and lands on me. "DORE! YOU SQUISHY ME!" I squeal loudly and we start rolling around, pushing and shoving one another. 

"Twixie was accident-AH!" He exclaims as I accidentally pull his hair. Suddenly Bianca and Daddy are in view and we still completely, tangled in a ball of limbs.

Bianca's POV

I was incredibly tired still and I didn't want to seem like a complete bitch. But enough is enough! "TRIXIE ADORE TABLE NOW!" They stop and look at me as I held my head breathing heavy. "I...I'm sor...." I cut them both off and point at the table grabbing a journal for them each. They were behaving as I sit a notebook in front of them. Pink for Trixie and purple for Adore along with a pink and purple pen. 

"Since you two wont behave this is what we are led to. 100 lines of "I will listen to Daddy." Followed by 100 lines of "I will be respectful of everyone. Katya will be watching over you while I go to the bathroom." I see Adore try and get up to go to me and I point back at the table. "Lines kitten. You don't want to follow the rules you get punished." My head was pounding by this time and I felt like I was going to throw up. Ever since I had that bad breakdown I hadn't felt well or even felt myself. I stumble to the bathroom as Katya tries to come help me. "No I'm okay. Make sure they are doing what they are supposed to do. Please." I hold my head as Katya rolls his eyes and makes his way back into the kitchen.

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