The Hospital.... The Prison.

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Bianca's POV

It has been three fucking long weeks and it's been hell ever since I got sick. I'm so sick of this hospital room that I had resided in for the last almost three weeks. I was an idiot and tried to push myself. I got out of bed on my own and ended up passing out on the floor of our room. Thankfully, Trixie had heard me fall and ran in here. He called the ambulance and I found out I had a really bad case of the flu that caused some damage to my stomach. I had a bad panic attack when I woke up and they had prescribed me some medications to help with my anxiety.

"Hey Bianker! How's it going today?" I looked over at Katya and sighed. "I want to get out of this fucking hospital and back home with the lot of you. I miss your crazy asses."

I smiled at Katya as he gave my hand a comforting squeeze. "There's the good ol' Bianca we know and love. Sadly." He laughs his ass off as I flip him off. I was happy that Trixie, Adore, and Katya had set up a routine to where while I was up here, one of them would be here with me.

"Hopefully you'll be able to come home soon B. I have noticed you are much calmer now though. I'm happy that you got the help with that. I know you were worrying all of us." Katya says smiling softly. I knew he wouldn't sugarcoat it.

"I feel a lot better that way Katya. The doctor said it was a chemical imbalance that was causing me to be that way. The medicine is really helping. But enough of that. How has everything been while I've been gone... Is Adore behaving for you?"

I see Katya chuckle and nod. "For the most part he's been really good. I think Trixie's been helping distract him by writing music with him. I think it's a really good thing for them to get together over music. It's fucking adorable at times."

I get a wave of homesickness wash over me. I look out the open window and wish I could be on the other side of it. The doctor said if things go to plan I can leave in a couple days. I notice that Katya's stopped talking and just watching me. I sigh again before I speak. "I miss home. I miss what we all have and our little thing. I miss arguing with you and Trixie. I miss cuddling with Adore. I just want to get out of here Katya."

Trixie's POV

I sat on the couch with Adore. He was busy writing and writing but most of it he crossed out. My paci was hanging loosely from mouth as gazed up at my barbie movie. I was completely submerged in little space unlike Adore who was growling at himself in frustration.

I pull my paci out before pulling on his sleeve. "Dore. M hungry." I whinge at he gives a small smile. He throws his notepad down onto the coffee table.

"Well come on then Trix let's go pick out some nom noms hmm?" Adore says holding a hand out to help me up. I teeter along behind him with my blanket wrapped around me. He opens the cupboard and fishes around in the snacks.

I feel so emotional without Katya here. I want daddy.

Adore's POV

After grabbing a small packet mini cookies I turn around to see Trixie with a quivering lower lip. I reach a hand out and brush the single tear on his cheek away but it gets instantly replaced.

"Oh Trix what's the matter?" I say offering my arms spread out for a hug. He falls forward into me and let's out a sob.

"Why dos Dada nu love me? He nu here." He crys out hysterically as I rub his back in an attempt to calm him. He grabs my flannel holding me in close.

"Oh he does Trixie. He does love you princess." I say when I feel the wind knocked out of me. I walk a pace forwards and rub my back frowning at the little in front of me who just pushed me into the counter.

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