Beginning Our New Lives...

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Katya's POV

I can't believe what all has happened in these last few months... If you had told me that I was going to be married to Trixie Mattel, I would have said you were crazy. I can't believe how much this man had changed me for the better, been there for me through thick and thin, and just loved me for me. I smile as I look over at his sleeping form and feel like I belong here with him. 

He looks so cute curled up into the blankets to where his head is peeking out along with one of his hands. The wedding ring that I had put there not so long ago shining in the light. My beautiful princess what I would do for you. I smile as I see the pacifier in his mouth. I love my pretty baby. I kiss his forehead as I lay beside him and he cuddles into me as I doze off the memory of our wedding going through my head. 


Bianca and I stood up at the altar, dressed up in our suits, looking so well. Even though nerves were consuming us. My palms are sweaty and I'm shaking a little. Bianca looks at me. "I know how you feel... but they love us and after this they will be forever ours." 

I smile and take a few calming breaths. Bianca is right as always and I am glad that he is here with me right now. There is no one else that could fully understand me like Bianca does. 

"Hey. You've got this too bitch. I couldn't see anyone else I would want up here beside me. We know each other so well and we started this together... we do this together. We've had our share of ups and downs, but in the end we will always be strong." Bianca cracks a genuine smile as the music changes and I see Trixie and Adore in full drag I cannot take my eyes off my beautiful princess. I see him look at me and smile shyly as I grin like the cat that caught the canary. This was happening...

Next thing I know both Trixie and Adore were running up to us. Bianca and I laugh as does the crowd. I hold my beautiful barbie's hand as RuPaul begins. The ceremony seems to fly by as we say our vows. Then Bianca and Adore say theirs. I see the smile of absolute happiness on Ru's face as he finishes. "By the power invested in me, by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss your love." 

I smile as I shock Trixie and grab him and dip him as we kiss. I feel the tears of happiness hit my cheek as mine start flowing. "We did it princess, You are now mine forever!" Trixie squeals and kisses me again before pulling back whispering in my ear. "Mines Daddy forevers. I wuvs you mines Daddy.." I smile as I hug him close. 

:::End Flashback:::

Life from that point had forever changed as we all knew it and I cannot wait to see where lif takes us...

Bianca's POV

I smile from the doorway of Trixie and Katya's bedroom, no one knowing that I would do this every night now as part of my ritual. Those two had become my brothers. I would do anything for them as well as my lovely kitten. I can't believe that I'm married and happy. It seemed like this is a dream and someone was going to pinch me and wake me up. I cannot imagine that feelings of longing would lead to this crazy life we're living now. 

I smile as I feel arms wrap around me and a warm body press against my naked skin on my back. "Daddy, come back to bed pwease, I lonely and cold wifout yous..." 

I smile as I let Adore lead me back to our bedroom as I cuddle with him falling to sleep with dreams of our future playing in my mind. 

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