Shut Up Brenda!

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Katya's POV 

I know it sounds stupid and cheesy but when I look at this one person my heart speeds up and my palms get sweaty. I notice the small things. Like how the corners of his mouth crease when he smiles and the way his laugh goes from high to low and back to high pitched. 

His eyes are big, brown and innocent. They catch my attention from across the room. He lets out a wide smile before raising a hand and letting his fingers wiggle before turning his attention back to his phone.

I let out a sigh before turning my own attention to my phone but it provides no relief. I open my Twitter and automatically see one of his posts right at the top. Out of habit I like the tweet before closing my phone. 

'You can't think about him Brian. He's seeing someone. He's not interested.' Brenda says to me, putting me down. 

"Shut up Brenda." I mumble to myself before letting my thoughts drift to the night he told me he was seeing someone. 

It was a cool night and the breeze nipped at my skin as I take a drag from my cigarette. I was going to tell him tonight. I had to. 

I feel a hand touch my shoulder and a soft voice. "Kats, I need to tell you something." The man I was so pathetically in love with turns me around as I squash the poisonous stick of tobacco and chemicals against the rail.

"Same. You first." I reply grinning wide. This is good. I didn't have to start the conversation. 

"O-okay. Imdatingsomeoneandhesreallycutebuticanttellyouwhoitisyetimsorryohwow!" He shoots out and I blink and shake my head in confusion. "Sorry. I'm dating someone but I can't tell you who... yet...." He says a lot slower. 

My heart and breathing stop for a few seconds. I feel waves of emotion. Sadness, hurt, jealousy and even a slight anger. What the? No! "K-Katya?" His voice stutters out as if he's scared. 

I snap out of it and fake the widest grin I can. "That is so amazing!" I hug him tightly, the smell of smoke probably agitating him. 

"I know. What were you going to say?" He asks excitedly. I don't know if it's the right choice but I put my wall back up. 

"I forgot." I let out a convincing cackle. At least I hope. He pulls back and rolls his eyes. "Mustn't have been important."

"Katya. Brian. Helllllloooooooo?"

"KATYA!" He stood beside me with a perfect eyebrow raised. "You alive there?" He asks rolling his eyes. 

I shake myself out of... Whatever that was. 

"Yeah... yeah sorry Trixie."

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