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Bianca's POV

I wake up and notice that my kitten had climbed into bed with me during the nap we both took. I was secretly glad he was here because I've missed him like crazy. I notice that he had put his phone on the table beside mine and it was starting to vibrate. I looked at the screen and there were so many messages from Trixie. He had also called so many times. I decided to listen to the voicemails of a crying Trixie asking Adore to forgive him. I don't know what happened but It had to be bad if Adore ran here crying. I will get to the bottom of this in a minute... but for now I just want to relax with Adore.

Trixie's POV

I stare at the spot that Adore had ran from and yelled those words at me that made me feel like a complete and utter douchebag... How could I forget that Bianca had been in the hospital for almost a month, and Adore only got to spend a couple days with him a week... I hear the door open as Daddy walks up to me, my knees buckle and he catches me. I wanted him but not like this.... I knew it was his day with Bianca. I feel Katya's arms around me and I cry as I hear Adore slamming drawers. He's talking out loud and crying. "Daddy.... I bad boy and 'Dore hates me..."

Katya rocks me as I tell him what happened, well as much as I can in little space. "He yelled at me Daddy. He was crying. He told.... he told.... he said..." I sigh and look down feeling entirely selfish and Adore was right I was being selfish. "He saids at least your daddy's not stuck in a fucking hospital.. At least my daddy can come home when he wants to, and Bianca can't. He saids I was being selfish.."

I hear Katya sigh and hug me before talking. "Princess, Adore's been going through a lot right now and he's upset. I know you were in little space but you need to understand that Adore's hurting." I look up at Katya with regret in my eyes. "I...I...I need to talks with 'Dore and say sorry."

The house suddenly got strangely quiet before I heard car tires screech off and run to the window. I didn't want this... I didn't want him to run because I had been a brat to him. He hates me.... He hates me.... I begin to hyperventilate as the room started to spin. Daddy ran to me and caught me as I passed out.

Katya's POV

I don't understand why Trixie is so clingy. I begin to wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I pick my princess up and lay him on the couch and cover him with the blanket. I dial Adore over and over again but he won't answer me. I shake my head worried about him. Bianca had trusted me to take care of him and not he's ran off going god knows where... I text over and over again to Adore with no response. Fuck! I see Trixie's walking up to me shaking as I keep trying Adore but I keep getting declined after the first ring. Trixie's even dialing from his phone too... This is bad.

I dial the number that I didn't want to dial... Bianca...

It rings a couple times before I hear Bianca's gravelly voice. "Hello." I'm panicking and so is Trixie. "Is Adore there? He left before we could talk and peeled out of the house." All I hear is dead air for a minute before Bianca answers. "He's asked to stay here until I get out. I don't know what fucking happened but he cried himself to sleep. Now, If you'll excuse me I'm going to take care of him and eat. I'll call you when we come home." I see Trixie grab for my phone and yell. "Bianca wa..." Then I hear nothing and noticed that Bianca had hung up.

"We...we need to goes up there dada.... I needs to fix.... I stupids... I hurt 'dore..." Trixie keeps putting himself down and I couldn't take it. "STOP TRIXIE!" Trixie stops immediately but cowers down on the floor into the fetal position. I sigh and take a deep breath to calm myself down before I try to pick Trixie up. He's shaking worse and tears are flowing from his eyes. "everbody leave me agains. no body love Trixie. Trixie just fuck up. All Trixie do is fuck up..." It hurt my heart to see Trixie like this. I love him so much... No wonder he was so clingy... He was afraid that it was going to go away and he would be left behind. Things started clicking as I sat down and brought Trixie into my lap.

Trixie looked so broken... I had wondered how many times he had went through this... I heard his stories about his breakups. He seemed so strong... Maybe this was the straw that broke the camels back... Or maybe he done this in secret.

"Shhhhhhh, no one is leaving you Trixie. We are still right here. You're not pushing me away dammit. You're stuck with me Barbie." I held Trixie close to my chest and just hoped that I was helping him. I feel him grab my shirt and cry. "We will go visit them tomorrow when things have calmed down. I know we all haven't slept well so lets go to bed. Tomorrow's a new day and a new start." I pick him up and carry him to bed laying down beside him as he drifts off clinging to me for dear life. I love him so much. I kiss his bald head as I curl around him and eventually fall asleep for the night.

Bianca's POV

I smiled as I woke up slightly before Adore after falling back to sleep with him last night. It was the best night's sleep I'd had in awhile. I smile as I watch Adore as he slept. He was so cute. I smiled as his nose scrunched up as he started to wake up. He looks up at me and smiles.

"It wasn't all a dream... I'm here with you. I love you Daddy." I smile as I hear a knock on the door and Adore scrambles to the bathroom quickly, causing me to chuckle.

"Hello Mr. Haylock. The tests look good, and you've been able to keep food down so I see no reason to keep you here." He rambles on and on but I pay no attention. I fucking get to go back home today! I want to go home so bad I can taste it. The doctor is rambling on but finally he stops talking and shakes my hand before leaving the room. I see Adore run in the room and hug me tight. "I'll make sure we stop and get you some stuff you can eat until you can eat regularly. I'm so happy!"

Adore starts packing up my clothes and that as the nurse comes in to take out my IV. She gives me my discharge papers and after I sign everything I'm free. I hear my phone go off as I look down seeing that Katya was calling. I pick it up and chuckle. "You hooker have some fucking timing. We are getting ready to head out now. The doctor just released me. I'm on a clear liquid diet for a few days as my stomach finishes healing."

"Oh! That's excellent news! Trixie and I will run to the store..." I cut Katya off. "We'll get it while we're out. I think Adore wants some time for me and him before we get home. Thank you for thinking about me. We'll see you at home. I think we know we all need to talk..."

Katya sighs. "Okay. I'm going to wake Trixie up and clean up from last night. We'll see you when you get home." I give him a short goodbye before hanging up. I was glad to finally be free from this prison. Adore grabs my hand as we walk out to the car. I grab the keys as we drive to the store. Adore tells me to stay in the car as he runs in grabbing everything I would need to eat. I also see he got things for taco salad. I smile as he comes running back putting everything in the car. "What did you do buy the store?" I chuckle as he flips me off. "Fuck all the way off Daddy!"

I shake my head as he climbs back in the car and kisses me before buckling up as we head home. I notice the closer to home we get the more nervous Adore was. I grab his hand and hold it. "We all need to talk honey. I think we all need to clear the air and just take a deep breath. I love you." Adore seems to calm down a little and I smile as we pull up. 

I see Trixie run to the car and open the back door filling his arms with groceries. He doesn't say anything and keeps his head down just taking the groceries in which shocks Adore and me. We walk in as Trixie won't let either one of us help unload the car. I see Katya cleaning up as Adore and I come in the door. 

"Is Trixie ok? He wouldn't talk to us but he also wouldn't let us help unload the car." Katya sighs. "We'll talk about it in a minute..." 

Adore and I go to the couch as we hear Trixie putting away everything as Katya talks to him in hushed tones... I was so lost.... Finally, Trixie walks in head lowered as Katya walks in beside him taking a deep breath before speaking.

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